[Solved] How to properly use a hook to create template for custom product type in a plugin such as Woocommerce? [closed]

You may use an action in the format woocommerce_YOUR_PRODUCT_TYPE_add_to_cart to reach the goal. Here is the example. The following code is for putting in functions.php, if you are writing a plugin. Please remember to change the callback. eg. you have a product type called Special, you want to add the add-to-cart template for it. add … Read more

[Solved] BuddyPress Xprofile check if user can view field [closed]

I found the answer to this question with support from the members from the BuddyPress forum. The function that I needed was xprofile_get_field_data(). Here my code: <?php $hidden_fields = bp_xprofile_get_hidden_fields_for_user(); ?> <?php if(xprofile_get_field_data(‘field_name’) && !in_array(xprofile_get_field_id_from_name(‘field_name’), $hidden_fields)) : ?> <p><?php echo xprofile_get_field_data (‘field_name’); ?></p> <?php endif; ?> solved BuddyPress Xprofile check if user can view field … Read more

[Solved] Page attribute template dropdown not displayed even the syntax is correct

If you’re wanting to enable the Page Template dropdown for a custom post type, you have to enable support for “page attributes” when you define your CPT. You should currently have something like register_post_type(‘foo’, array(‘labels’ => array( … ), ); You need to add ‘supports’: register_post_type(‘foo’, array(‘labels’ => array( … ), ‘supports’ => array(‘title’, ‘editor’, … Read more

[Solved] Is this an issue in my recursive function?

Using the return keyword like you are doing. Your second function calls the first function without returning the value returned by the first function: Replace if (element.children && typeof element === ‘object’) { findElementByDataValue(element, data); } with: if (element.children && typeof element === ‘object’) { return findElementByDataValue(element, data); } In general, run your code in … Read more

[Solved] Project runs in eclipse but not in command line: File not found exception [duplicate]

I assume you are starting the program from the Builds directory – not the project root. Therefore the path src\data\pokemon.csv can’t be resolved. You have to either copy the jar to the project root or start the program from the project root dir with java -jar Builds\v1.0.jar 2 solved Project runs in eclipse but not … Read more

[Solved] C# MemoryCache Changing Data by Itself

Change: Utility.CacheHelper.SaveTocache(“MyKey”,a); to: Utility.CacheHelper.SaveTocache(“MyKey”,a.ToList()); and: List<String> b = Utility.CacheHelper.GetFromCache<List<String>>(“MyKey”); to: List<String> b = Utility.CacheHelper.GetFromCache<List<String>>(“MyKey”).ToList(); Technically just the latter change is required – the former will make it even more bulletproof. This is necessary since if any entries adding to the MemoryCache will be shared amongst callers – so if one caller manipulates the List then … Read more

[Solved] Cannot get Geolocation script to work

This is not a proper answer yet, as it is still unclear what the actual problem is, but to explain to OP, I’ll post this as an answer. $.getScript(‘http://www.geoplugin.net/javascript.gp’, function() { $location = geoplugin_countryCode(); $location2 = geoplugin_continentCode(); if($location == “CA” || $location == “US” || $location2 == “EU” || $location2 == “DE” || $location2 == … Read more