[Solved] Why Debug.Writeline is printing my message in reverse [closed]

The format of this function is WriteLine(string message,string category). This means that it will show your category and then, your message. For instance, category could be TRACE or DEBUG. I think that what you are looking for is string.Format. You should have Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(“RefKey value was {0}”, refKey)) solved Why Debug.Writeline is printing my message in … Read more

[Solved] How do I select the first, second, or third digit from a String containing three digits? [closed]

You could try this. String nbr = input.nextLine(); int a=nbr.charAt(0)-‘0’; int b=nbr.charAt(1)-‘0’; int c=nbr.charAt(2)-‘0’; Also, you could use substring and parse the result Using Integer.parseInt int a=Integer.parseInt(nbr.substring(0,1)); //Contains the leftmost digit 2 solved How do I select the first, second, or third digit from a String containing three digits? [closed]

[Solved] how can I do to know how many times the recipient open the email or the number of click? [closed]

I think what you’re looking for is called a Web Beacon or tracking pixel. A tracking pixel is just a small transparent image embedded in the emails you send out. When your recipients open the email, their client (Gmail, Outlook, etc.) will send a request to download the image. This works the same way that … Read more

[Solved] Javascript – is it possible to make a loop using functions? [closed]

Here’s how you can repeat some code with a recursive timer function: (function repeat(n){ if (!n) return; console.log(“do something”); setTimeout(repeat, 0, n-1); })(4); Contrary to a (non tail optimized) recursion, there’s no cumulative memory consumption here. This kind of construct is useful in some cases. But just avoiding the for and while keywords doesn’t strike … Read more

[Solved] How to get out of this cycle?

Well, there’s always the break command. You can flag that after a key has been pushed, you want to break. And then outside the switch, you break. However, why do you need to have a while(true) loop anyway? solved How to get out of this cycle?

[Solved] POST function not working with my php code however in the same function GET is working [duplicate]

If you want to access the variable via the $_POST array, you have to specify post as the method in your form (or in whatever mechanism you’re using to hit the file, like an AJAX request or something, you’d need to specify “post” accordingly): <form method=”post” action=”your-file-or-route”> If you don’t want to worry about that, … Read more

[Solved] Matlab rank function bug [closed]

rank in matlab 2014a uses svd, not svds. If your local file uses svds the installation is corrupted. I recommend to reinstall Matlab and set write restrictions to the toolbox folder afterwards to prevent such problems happen again. solved Matlab rank function bug [closed]

[Solved] How to create a file containing struct [closed]

Your problem “I am guessing” is the structure defintion typedef struct test { int a; }; This is not just a structure definition, but a type definition and it’s missing the type name, it can be fixed like this typedef struct test { int a; } MyTestStruct; or simply remove the typedef and just use … Read more

[Solved] My program crashes and I don’t know why

I assume (It would be better if you post the crash log along with your question, so that we can help you better and stop assuming) you are getting a null pointer exception on the following code: i.putExtra(“temper”, temp.getText().toString()); In your code you declared temp, but it is never initialised. You need to initialise temp … Read more