[Solved] What does “>” do in CSS [duplicate]

it’s a selector for children (not just any descendent). The selector body > .navid would select the .navid div using the following: <body> <div class=”navid”></div> </body> But it would not select the .navid div below because it’s a grandchild <body> <div> <div class=”navid”></div> </div> </body> solved What does “>” do in CSS [duplicate]

[Solved] Find div by text and delete text [closed]

Use :contains to select the div and then filter the contents and remove the node. $(“div:contains(‘DeleteText’)”).contents().filter(function () { return (this.nodeType == 3 && $.trim(this.nodeValue) == ‘DeleteText’); }).remove(); DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/YkEy5/ 1 solved Find div by text and delete text [closed]

[Solved] Display Numbers and replace with letter [closed]

Instead of having a bunch of ifs, try making a map of numbers to letters. $map = array( 1 => ‘A’, 5 => ‘B’, 9 => ‘C’ ); for($i=1; $i <= 10; $i++){ // If the value is in the map, print the letter, // otherwise print the number echo array_key_exists($i, $map) ? $map[$i] : … Read more

[Solved] transparent pixel renders different on PC and iPhone

To achieve 100% compatibility with all browsers (IE6+), I’ve used recommendation from the following post: Alpha transparent PNGs not displaying correctly in Mobile Safari Even though the above topic is dedicated to the Mobile Safari browser ONLY – I confirm that the practice of settings transparent pixel to more than 1px of width/height is solving … Read more

[Solved] How can I tell if a method is being called?

You can use a private instance variable counter, that you can increment on every call to your method: – public class Demo { private int counter = 0; public void counter() { ++counter; } } Update : – According to your edit, you would need a static variable, which is shared among instances. So, once … Read more

[Solved] Nested SQL statements for Oracle [closed]

You don’t need to nest. You need to join. You’ll probably need something like this, although I would need the exact table structure to be sure. But you’ll get the general idea. select b.TITLE, a.LASTNAME, i.UNITSONHAND from BOOK b inner join AUTHOR a on a.AUTHORID = b.AUTHORID inner join INVENTORY i on i.BOOKID = b.BOOKID … Read more

[Solved] Error In classes C++

If you do not provide any constructor in your class, the compiler will automatically create one for you. In your class, you have specified a particular constructor: MonthData(double, int, double, double, int, double, double); As soon as you provide any constructor, the compiler will not create a default constructor (i.e. one that takes no parameters). … Read more

[Solved] Why is the & operator used after using scanf? [closed]

You have declared string as a single character but you fill it with a string. This invokes undefined behavior. You should change your code to : char string [20] = “default”; //20 is random, you should use the maximum length of the input you may have printf(“The default String is: %19s”, string); scanf(“%s”, string); printf(“You … Read more