[Solved] How can I find compound words, removing spaces between them and replace them in my corpus?

If all your compound terms are separated only by blanks, you can use gsub: > x = c(“hello World”, “good Morning”, “good Night”) > y = gsub(pattern = ” “, replacement = “”, x = x) > print(y) [1] “helloWorld” “goodMorning” “goodNight” You can always add more patterns to pattern argument. Read more about regular … Read more

[Solved] Combine PHP array as something [duplicate]

If your first two arrays has the same length, you can use a loop to get the array you want: <?PHP $arr1= array(“A”,”B”,”C”); $arr2= array(“1″,”2″,”3″); $arr3=[]; for($i = 0; $i < count($arr1); $i++) array_push($arr3, $arr1[$i], $arr2[$i]); ?> It will return: $arr3= array(“A”,”1″,”B”,”2″,”C”,”3″); 1 solved Combine PHP array as something [duplicate]

[Solved] How can I secure my source code [closed]

As Royal Bg mentions in the comments, if they have the source code, there’s no way you can secure it against them making a separate copy. As you mention, any attempt at a licence key, or any other type of method, they’d be able to get around. solved How can I secure my source code … Read more

[Solved] Need the words between the ” – ” ONLY string splitting [duplicate]

So basically you to first split by – and then each side by a non-word character. Therefore you can try: String s = “ABC_DEF-HIJ (KL MNOP_QRS)”; String[] splits = s.split(“-“); // {“ABC_DEF”, “HIJ (KL MNOP_QRS)”} String[] lefts = split[0].split(“[^a-zA-Z]”); // {“ABC”, “DEF”} String[] rights = split[1].split(“[^a-zA-Z]”); // {“HIJ”, “”, “KL”, “MNOP”, “QRS”} String string1 = … Read more

[Solved] Static class instance inside class

What you have there is a static method getLibrary() that returns the same instance for all callers. That’s called a Singleton – although there’s better ways to code them. Then again your supposed Singleton (TestLibrary) exhibits methods that when called change internal state – most important, the ErrorHandler. This will cause strange behaviour, especially in … Read more

[Solved] what is better to represent news in html [closed]

Laying out websites with tables has been frowned upon for around 10 years. For tables, it’s fine, not but for layouts. I would markup some news articles like this: <article> <a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/link-to-article/” title=”article title”> <img src=”link-to-image” alt=”article title”> <h2>Article title</h2> <p>Short description</p> </a> </article> The rest of your question is pretty unclear so would need … Read more

[Solved] What can you use instead of zip?

It’s not clear why you’re using your own zip() instead of Python’s zip(), nor why you believe you need zip() at all. You can get this program to work by simplifying the code: fun_string = “””In ___0___, crazy ___1___ with ___2___, ate a meal called ___3___ on a grill””” horror_string = “””In ___0___ owned by … Read more

[Solved] C – list all files in current directory then move in directory above, list files, and so on until root directory is reached [closed]

Your cwd[1] != 0 or cwd[1] != ‘\0′ is an okay way to do it. There’s no need to cast that to an int. You could also use strcmp(cwd, “https://stackoverflow.com/”), which makes it slightly more clear what you are doing. This will be zero at the root directory on a UNIX or Linux system. For … Read more

[Solved] CSS BUTTON WITH ICON [closed]

Omg! Format your code! Icons by Bootstrap or Semantic are fonts, not images. So if you want to place a image as an icon on a button you should do something like that: button { background: url(youricon) no-repeat ….; padding-left: 25px; } It just places an image on the leftside of your button and idents … Read more

[Solved] Operations on Strings

If two strings are equal to each other. When comparing two strings, you have to pass in the strings. public static boolean isEquals(String a, String b) { if (a.length() != b.length()) return false; return isEquals(a, b, 0); } private static boolean isEquals(String a, String b, int index) { if (index >= a.length()) return true; if … Read more