[Solved] Regex for price with   and comma [closed]

Here’s how I’d do it: str = “8 560,90 cur.” str.gsub(/[^\d,]/, ”).to_i # => 8560 This removes every character that isn’t a digit or a comma, yielding “8560,90”, then calls to_i on it, which gives 8560. This will work for any string as long as you want every digit before the first comma to be part … Read more

[Solved] How to get acknowledgement email once after user read it using PHP? [closed]

You Tagged phpmailer so I’m guessing you’re using the phpmailer class. There you just have to $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsMail(); $mail->From = $senderEmail $mail->ConfirmReadingTo = $confirmEmail … body etc here … if your are not using phpmailer you have to add the “X-Confirm-Reading-To” header to your email. solved How to get acknowledgement email once … Read more

[Solved] How can I found Easy method for this in C# Windows base Application [closed]

Which database are you using? SQL Server 2008 or higher? If yes then the answer by @user3353613 will be useful. If not then you can pass comma/pipe(|) separated checkbox values to a single parameter to your stored procedure and then you can split the values inside the stored procedure to get what you need. Hope … Read more

[Solved] What affects the time for a function to return to the caller. [closed]

The time returning from a function should be negligible. Most processors have the instruction for returning from a function optimized, usually one instruction. If you are returning an object via copy, the return time depends on the time required to copy the object. Essentially, a return from function involves obtaining the return address, then setting … Read more

[Solved] Java doesn’t understand the logic of this code

map is a two-dimensional array. map.length specifies the length of the first dimension defined by row. map[0].length in turn specifies the length of the first array of the second dimension. 3 solved Java doesn’t understand the logic of this code

[Solved] How do i format a ArrayList for printing?

this is almost what you need 🙂 using tabs List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(ss)){; @Override public String toString(){ Iterator<String> it = iterator(); if (! it.hasNext()) return “”; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; for (;;) { i++; String e = it.next(); sb.append(e); if (! it.hasNext()) return sb.toString(); sb.append(‘\t’); if (i%4==0){ sb.append(“\n”); } … Read more

[Solved] php – Regular expression to validate this string [closed]

$string=”1234-ABCD-EFGH”; preg_match(“~[0-9]{4}-[A-Z]{4}-[A-Z]{4}~”, $string, $matches); print_r($matches); This code will output the $matches array that contains the match information. preg_match will return true or false depending on whether the string matched. If you prefer to also match lower case characters, use this one: preg_match(“~[0-9]{4}-[A-Za-z]{4}-[A-Za-z]{4}~”, $string, $matches); 1 solved php – Regular expression to validate this string [closed]

[Solved] How to reset an integer if the user not opening the app in the morning? ANDROID [closed]

You can use the time libraries, depending on your minimum API level, to get the times. You can look closer into the documentation to get a better idea of how to use it. Both the code snippets I have below are very similar. http://developer.android.com/reference/android/text/format/Time.html I would try using these two functions (copied and pasted from … Read more