[Solved] C Language: why c language has ‘class’? [closed]
The C language does not have a class keyword. That is a header file for C++, not for C. C++ does have a class keyword. solved C Language: why c language has ‘class’? [closed]
The C language does not have a class keyword. That is a header file for C++, not for C. C++ does have a class keyword. solved C Language: why c language has ‘class’? [closed]
$(‘.divOne’).siblings(‘.divTwo’).children(‘h3’) 1 solved Jquery select the element h3
This is very simple, and is pretty much related to your understanding of the BMI’s formula. The code that suits your requirements would be the following: maxweight = (height**2/10000)*24.9 dif = round(abs(maxweight-weight),2) print(name+”, you have”,dif,”kilograms to go until you reach the maximum normal weight”) This works for both underweight and overweight values, always returning a … Read more
There are two main differences in float and double. Those are size and precision. Float – 7 digits of precision(32 bit) and 4 bytes Ex:- 0.1234567 Double- 15 digits of precision (64 bit) and 8 bytes Ex:- 0.123456789123456 You can store float value in a double variable like this double numb; float numb2 = 22.5F; … Read more
Here some advice you can use: First for each cell you can create an object that represents the state of that cell: class Cell { char mChar; int row,column; boolean isSelected; } then you can create a 2D array of your cells Cell[][] mTable = … For views you have a lot of options: for … Read more
Here is the closest code: public class Stackoverflow_03262019 { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] arr=new int[5]; Arrays.fill(arr,0); Arrays.stream(arr).forEach(val-> System.out.println(val)); } } “` You can add any value instead of 0; 2 solved Is it possible to do this in Java? [closed]
place an attribute of contenteditable=”true” like so: <li contenteditable=”true”>text to edit</li> i built kitgui.com from scratch and it uses this technique. i would look at the techniques in UI there so you can get an idea of a good INLINE approach you need to also have a way for people to save things which is … Read more
You are casting (bool) valid_triangel the address of the function instead of calling it. This will always be non-NULL and the corresponding true branch of the if condition will be executed irregardless of input. (non-issue) I don’t have cs50.h installed so I wrote a quick get_double() to test your code. Removed the declaration of valid_tringel() … Read more
Is there a way to copy the values of all variables with the same names from an instance of an object to a static class and backwards? [closed] solved Is there a way to copy the values of all variables with the same names from an instance of an object to a static class and … Read more
you can use an expression bodied method. static double Stirling(long n) => Math.Sqrt((2 * n + 1.0 / 3.0) * Math.PI) * Math.Pow(n, n) / Math.Exp(n); This is only possible when the method executes a single statement, and in this case, we get rid of the return statement. or you can use a Func delegate … Read more
A default macOS installation will include something that pretends to be gcc but that’s just a legacy concern so that portable programs will properly detect a compiler when you do a source install with the usual ./configure && make && make install or use a package manager like Homebrew. Xcode used to use gcc as … Read more
I think you’ve said why in your question, but just for clarity: Double(double) works just fine if you pass it a float, so there’s no need for Double(float). This is because in a constructor invocation (JLS§5.3), a widening primitive conversion (JLS§5.1.2) is allowed. float to double is a widening primitive conversion. But Float(float) would not … Read more
Android How do I correctly get the value from a Switch? You can refer this link for checking if switch is on or off and accordingly handle visibility of textview.And you can put your date and time picker onclick of textviews Do you need even date and time picker code? solved how to display date … Read more
You can use \DOMDocument->loadHTML(); Ex: <?php $doc = new \DomDocument(); $doc->loadHTML(‘<div class=”whatever”> Title </div>’); View examples here: http://docs.php.net/manual/en/domdocument.loadhtml.php This is assuming that your source is available to php. It would probably be more pragmatic to extract the value with javascript in the client and send it with the page request. If your app is well … Read more
Here is a reference to the SteamWebAPI for DOTA 2: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=WebAPI&redirect=no#Dota_2 solved STEAM – How to get dota 2 player with personaname, loccountrycode and avatar url from steam account [closed]