[Solved] How does http/ssh protocol work? [closed]
As application-level protocols, they simply define what data is transmitted via lower-level protocols like IP (where routing details are handled). 4 solved How does http/ssh protocol work? [closed]
As application-level protocols, they simply define what data is transmitted via lower-level protocols like IP (where routing details are handled). 4 solved How does http/ssh protocol work? [closed]
Okay, so apparently you want to take out the quotes and indent it nicely? Then I would do that beforehand: function indent(str) { return str.replace(/\n/g, ‘\n\t’); } function toPrettyObject(obj) { var ajsoln = []; // Actual JavaScript Object Literal Notation if(Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === ‘[object Array]’) { for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { ajsoln.push(indent(toPrettyObject(obj[i]))); … Read more
Try this string input = “helloworld”; string output = “”; for (int i = 0; i < input.Length – 1; i += 2) { output += input[i + 1]; output += input[i]; } 3 solved Reverse string by 2 pair in c#.net [closed]
If you are having any trouble on updating your app to fit the new iPhone 5 configuration please consider at least reading this: https://developer.apple.com/devcenter/ios/checklist/ and than you can ask here on StackOverflow more specific questions about any problem you’re having. 0 solved make apps for iphone 5 and iphone 4 [closed]
Ok. The object constructor syntax you are using is a bit akward, I’d prefer my $obj = Stats->new(13,4,56,43,33); In Perl, new is not an ordinary keyword, but a simple sub, and should be used as such. The Foo->sub(@args) syntax is exactly equivalent to Foo::sub(‘Foo’, @args), and thus takes care of passing the correct class name … Read more
Generally I’m not in the habit of answering questions that clearly prove you haven’t tried anything yourself. Today is no different, but I’ll do the following: I’m gonna provide you with a little code, that contains a few intentional errors. It’s up to you to figure out what the code does, and where the problems … Read more
You should generate your own uuid. Google’s blog post says IMEI, mac address, serial number, ANDROID_ID, all of them has a problem. Use java.util.UUID instead. 3 solved how to reach android device unique id?
As far as I understand, you want to place n rectangles with fixed C=W/H ratio on the wall with given Width and Height Let rectangle height is h (unknown yet), width is w = C * h Every row of grid contains nr = Floor(Width / (C * h)) // rounding down Every column contains … Read more
IsChecked is a nullable boolean, which means it can have three states. Nullable types are denoted by the ? you see in the error. Try this: if ((bool)checkbox1.IsChecked == true) 0 solved C# WPF check if checkbox is checked error [duplicate]
To understand what yield does, you must understand what generators are. And before you can understand generators, you must understand iterables. Iterables When you create a list, you can read its items one by one. Reading its items one by one is called iteration: >>> mylist = [1, 2, 3] >>> for i in mylist: … Read more
If it is about the longest possible matching (sub)string, thus the most specific one, the task actually can be solved pretty easy. sort the array descending by each of its string-item’s length property. Iterate the array … for each string item, try whether it is included within the given text. Stop iterating with the first … Read more
error_reporting(0); This code will work for your issue. The way you post your code is not good BTW. solved Simple data inserting using Mysqli [closed]
Does this meet your requirements? function showPopup() { document.getElementById(‘2’).style.display = “block”; } function syncValueWith2() { document.getElementById(‘2’).value = document.getElementById(‘1’).value; } function syncValueWith1() { document.getElementById(‘1’).value = document.getElementById(‘2’).value; } <textarea onkeyup=”syncValueWith2()” id=”1″></textarea> <br> <textarea onkeyup=”syncValueWith1()” id=”2″ style=”display: none;”></textarea> <input type=”button” value=”Show Popup” onclick=”showPopup()”> solved Popup text box in HTML with javascript
That is just some text that passed to another activity….it’s just an example In the tutorial they want to show that how to send an extra message to another activity. You can do it by put an extra message with intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, message); and then in another activity, you can catch it with String message = … Read more
= is always an assignment, the only special case here is the assignment to $arr[]. You may read that as “assignment to unspecified array key”, and it results in the array key being auto-generated. It’s analogous to arr.push(…) or similar in many other languages. 1 solved What exactly means equal ‘=’ in PHP and how … Read more