[Solved] How to give mutiple spaces to an integer to shown on form as a string in c#? [closed]

You can convert your number to a string, split into characters and join these again with spaces: int i = 690110; char[] chars = i.ToString().ToCharArray(); // To get a formatted string: string s = string.Join(” “,chars); // To get the digits: int[] digits = chars.Select(x=>Convert.ToInt32(x)).ToArray(); 3 solved How to give mutiple spaces to an integer … Read more

[Solved] Name cannot be display [closed]

I have modified your code. Please see the snipet code below #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #define MAX 25 char welcomeMsg[]= “Please enter your name without ‘*’ or # ” ; char errorMsg[]= “\nError, please re-type your name. “; void main(void) { int j; char input; char name[MAX]; j=0; puts(welcomeMsg); do { input = getche(); if(input … Read more

[Solved] Decode json array

Try this: $categories = json_decode($data)->{‘Category’}; foreach($categories as $category){ echo $category-{‘id’}; } solved Decode json array

[Solved] How to make scroll menu? [closed]

You hadn’t imported jQuery library. In online tesing environments, like JSFiddle and CodePen, adding <script src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31142083/sth.js”></script> won’t work as they have separated HTML, JS and CSS into separate “consoles”. You have to use the menu to import external libraries. https://blog.codepen.io/documentation/editor/adding-external-resources/ Your edited CodePen // Create a clone of the menu, right next to original. $(‘.menu’).addClass(‘original’).clone().insertAfter(‘.menu’).addClass(‘cloned’).css(‘position’,’fixed’).css(‘top’,’0′).css(‘margin-top’,’0′).css(‘z-index’,’500′).removeClass(‘original’).hide(); … Read more

[Solved] error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class Theron::EndPoint’ [closed]

Your include statements are wrong, or in the wrong order. Apparently Theron/Framework.h contains some code that needs the full definition of class EndPoint but doesn’t explicitly include the header EndPoint.h and instead only provides a forward declaration. To fix this, you can either try to include EndPoint.h before including Framework.h or replace all your Theron … Read more

[Solved] Replace text between two symbol Sing through regex [closed]

Try with below code: String s=”Example$for$string%is%notworking”; s.replaceAll(“[$&+,:;=?@#|'<>.^*()%!-]”, “otherstring”) But in above approach we do not consider many of the special characters like some of DOS smilies like little angle and white smily face So may need to try some thing opposite. which are characters you want to keep. some thing as below , i am … Read more

[Solved] Why does int seem to default to 50 rather than 0 in C#?

It’s not printing 50 more times; it’s printing exactly 48 more times. You’re reading a character and assigning its unicode value to an integer. For example, user types ‘1’, the character 1. Its Unicode value is 49. You assign 49 to your int print, and there you are. A character is really a small or … Read more

[Solved] How to compare array of dates with greater than current date

i Resolved my issue by using stack overflow suggestions. and i am posting my answer it may helpful for others. extension Date { var startOfWeek: Date? { let gregorian = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian) guard let sunday = gregorian.date(from: gregorian.dateComponents([.yearForWeekOfYear, .weekOfYear], from: self)) else { return nil } return gregorian.date(byAdding: .day, value: 1, to: sunday) } var … Read more

[Solved] How to add multiple latitude and longitude to URL which can show multiple markers as well?

https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?size=512×512&maptype=roadmap\ &markers=size:mid%7Ccolor:red%7C14.6818877,77.6005911%7C15.8281257,78.0372792%7C15.3959840,77.8727193 by adding with %7C ang lat lan we can add multiple cursors. by using human readable address like this (https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?new+york,US) we can get only 15 markers.while using lat lag we can get more cursors solved How to add multiple latitude and longitude to URL which can show multiple markers as well?

[Solved] Error while implementing a complex construct in C < char (*(*f())[]) () >

Use typedefs to help: #include <stdio.h> typedef char (*functionPtr)(void); typedef char (**arrayOfFunctionPtr)(void); // OR THIS // typedef functionPtr* arrayOfFunctionPtr; typedef arrayOfFunctionPtr (*functionReturningArrayOfFunctionPointers)(void); int main() { functionReturningArrayOfFunctionPointers f; char s() { return ‘y’; } char (*g[1])(); g[0] = s; printf(“%c\n”,g[0]()); arrayOfFunctionPtr func() { return g; } f = func; printf(“%c\n”,(f())[0]()); return 0; } solved Error while … Read more

[Solved] I need an algorithm to concatenate 2 vectors and also update the vector in cases of common element in C++ (not specific to C++11) [closed]

The most simple approach would be to just check for every element in src vector, if an duplicate exists in dest vector or not. If it exists just append Duplicate to it, else you can just push back the element as a new element in dest vector. The follow code would do the job – … Read more