[Solved] Blocked.com free trial script shows blank page [closed]

I found what the problem was. I had to enable errors to see what was going on, and apparently I need(ed) to install IonCube Loader on the server. //error_reporting(0); ini_set(‘display_errors’, 0); ini_set(‘display_errors’,1); ini_set(‘display_startup_errors’,1); error_reporting(-1); Also, they check if you have IonCube Loader in your system AFTER using it… Makes sense. $version_ioncube = ioncube_loader_version(); Fatal error: … Read more

[Solved] How to compare the attributes start with $ in 2 functions and display match or mismatch

import re caselines_index = [] cases = [] readlines = [] def read(in_file): global cases global caselines_index global readlines with open(in_file, ‘r’) as file: for line in file.readlines(): readlines.append(line.strip()) for line in readlines: case_search = re.search(“case\s\”.+?\”\:\s”, line) if case_search: caselines_index.append(readlines.index(line)) #print caselines_index caselines_index_iter = iter(caselines_index) int_line_index = int(next(caselines_index_iter)) int_next_index = int(next(caselines_index_iter)) while True: try: case_text=” … Read more

[Solved] GCC/G++ different attitudes for: void* to int [closed]

int k = (int *)arg; this statement can not compaile with G++,But GCC only Warning,why? It doesn’t compile in C++ because int* is not implicitly convertible to int and therefore the statement is ill-formed. // int k=*(int *)arg; why this statement not right? That statement is syntactically well-formed in C++. But arg doesn’t point to … Read more

[Solved] how and where to use standard input flush in java? [closed]

You only “flush” the output in Java. I suspect you mean, when to discard the rest of the line. To do this you can call input.nextLine(); You need to do this after nextInt() as you expect to be reading from the next line. solved how and where to use standard input flush in java? [closed]

[Solved] Replay jQuery function every 5 seconds

Ok, I am going to go out on a limb and make several assumptions here; one is that you wish to cycle between two elements repeatedly, another is that you are using $(this) in the context of the window rather than a containing element. If either of these are incorrect then the following solution may … Read more