[Solved] Workaround for Android 6.0 Permissions

Introduction Android 6.0 Marshmallow introduced a new permissions model that gives users more control over the data apps can access. This has caused some issues for developers, as users must now grant permissions at runtime instead of during installation. This article will discuss a workaround for this issue, allowing developers to continue to use the … Read more

[Solved] How to interact my button with my function

For something to happen when the user clicks, you must add an event handler (or callback function) to the element in question. That is done with the .addEventListener() method of the element: // Get a reference to the button let btn = document.getElementById(“b1”); // Add an event handler for the click event btn.addEventListener(“click”, myFunction); function … Read more

[Solved] Can i get iPhone purchase/first time use date [closed]

Introduction This question is about finding out the purchase/first time use date of an iPhone. This is a common question that many iPhone users have, especially when they are trying to determine the age of their device. Fortunately, there are a few ways to find out the purchase/first time use date of an iPhone. In … Read more

[Solved] Woocommerce: disable payment method with cost on delivery

A good way how to do this is through jQuery. Put inside the of your document the following <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js”></script> Then find the file where the checkout page is setup and enter the following: $(document).ready(function() { if ($(‘input[name=your_radio_name]:checked’).val() == “the value when the element should be hidden”) { $(‘#id_of_the_element_that_should_be_hidden’).hide(); }); }); 2 solved Woocommerce: disable … Read more

[Solved] Query string is too long

maxRequestLength is for file uploads. Try this instead under the system.web node <httpRuntime maxUrlLength=”1000″ maxQueryStringLength=”1000″ /> 1 solved Query string is too long

[Solved] infinite while loop python

Your second while loop has no break point!!! Your first while loop runs until it detects motion and then enters the second loop, and your second loop runs forever. If you want both loops to work simultaneously then you should use threads!!! If not then make a break point in second loop. Simple example: import … Read more

[Solved] Add items to listview from other activity

new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View arg0) { EditText edit = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.tskname); Intent i = new Intent(AddTask.this, MainActivity.class); //Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); String TaskName = edit.getText().toString(); //bundle.putString(“NewTask”, TaskName); i.putExtra(“NewTask”, TaskName); i.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); //i.putExtras(bundle); startActivity(i); } }); You are starting a new Activity each time you want to add an item. Consider using startActivityForResult() Link … Read more

[Solved] How to change all my value with onclick?

You have a function, but you’re not calling it. Try changing the onclick() to change() and selecting the element using this, (as a parameter). function change(elem) { if (elem.value == “E”) elem.value += “\u266D”; else elem.value = “E”; } <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″> <link href=”https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu” rel=”stylesheet”> <title>Afinador de Violão</title> <meta name=”viewport” … Read more

[Solved] Function of Base Number 10 to 2,8,16 Ploblem? [closed]

One Problem is, as Tyger mentioned that you didn’t initialize the x, you could get that from a cin like in the menu funciton. The other problem is that even though you get the string form the functions, you doesn’t write it out. So your main function should look something like this: int main(){ string … Read more

[Solved] SharedPreferences Save value of Int in a TextView

I explained where I made changes public class MainActivity extends Activity { Button search; TextView tvRing; //Making sharedpreferences and integers global for ease of use private SharedPreferences prefs; private int redRing, someint; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); search = (Button) findViewById(R.id.radar); tvRing = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.ring); //Someint default value is 0 if not … Read more

[Solved] How do i do setOnClickListener in Fragment

You can initialize a new onClickListener in for loop. for(int i=0;i<sortableHeaderWrappers.length;i++) { sortableHeaderWrappers[i].setTag((Integer)i); sortableHeaderWrappers[i].setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){ @Override public void onClick(View v) { //.. place your logic that needs to be executed when click happens. } }) } 0 solved How do i do setOnClickListener in Fragment