[Solved] Json value failed in ios [closed]

I fixed this issue by replacing /n with empty string in json string NSString *json = [[NSString alloc]init]; json = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil]; json = [json stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@”\n” withString:@””]; // NSLog(@”json %@”,json); NSArray *issueDetailsAry = [[json JSONValue]objectForKey:@”GetIssues”]; Now i got the output. This issue is because of server side linebreaks. solved Json value failed in … Read more

[Solved] Try except in Python, error still happens

Like stated in the comments: put the relevant code in the try clause, and raise a specific exception. You can prompt again with a loop. Something like this: succeeded = False while not succeeded: try: aws_account = input(“Enter the name of the AWS account you’ll be working in: “) session = boto3.Session(profile_name=aws_account) client = session.client(‘iam’) … Read more

[Solved] How to remove the actual item in my ArrayList

Joël, Your code uses a loop unnecessarily. You just need one line of code to remove the item. Try this: Public Sub Effacer_etu() Try _listeEtu.Remove(_etudiant) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) End Try End Sub You will get the same result without the unnecessary looping. solved How to remove the actual item in my ArrayList

[Solved] Why does this Happen? (C programming Error)

The error is saying you didn’t provide a main() function. Looking at your code I see the following: int main(); This is a function declaration not a definition. It looks like you’ve forgotten the curly braces around the body of your main() function. I also see you keep putting a semicolon after the closing bracket … Read more

[Solved] How to parse this queryString which is a resultant of JSON response [closed]

It is NOT possible unless the URL parameter is properly URL-encoded, so the “&” characters will be escaped in order not to be interpreted as field separators. The string should be encoded like this: String queryString = “AQB=1&v1=somev1data&v25=somev25data&URL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.someurl.com%2Fconfigure%2Fgetvalues%2Frequest1%3Dreq1Passed%26data2%3DsomedataPassed&ce=UTF-8&ARB=1”; As it is formatted in your question, the string cannot be parsed successively. 2 solved How to … Read more

[Solved] Parse XML to Table in Python

I’ve got the needed outcome using following script. XML File: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <base> <element1>element 1</element1> <element2>element 2</element2> <element3> <subElement3>subElement 3</subElement3> </element3> </base> Python code: import pandas as pd from lxml import etree data = “C:/Path/test.xml” tree = etree.parse(data) lstKey = [] lstValue = [] for p in tree.iter() : lstKey.append(tree.getpath(p).replace(“https://stackoverflow.com/”,”.”)[1:]) lstValue.append(p.text) df = pd.DataFrame({‘key’ … Read more

[Solved] perl quick switch from quaternary to decimal

Base 4 requires exactly 2 bits, so it’s easy to handle efficiently. my $uvsize = length(pack(‘J>’, 0)) * 8; my %base4to2 = map { $_ => sprintf(‘%2b’, $_) } 0..3; sub base4to10 { my ($s) = @_; $s =~ s/(.)/$base4to2{$1}/sg; $s = substr((“0” x $uvsize) . $s, -$uvsize); return unpack(‘J>’, pack(‘B*’, $s)); } This allows … Read more

[Solved] Why does try catch not catch Sql syntax error

The catch in the above code does actually catch the exception. On the exception set the Select Command to something default that is sure to work ie. SELECT * FROM Database And Execute the select. The reason for this is when the page does a post back it tries to execute the select statement that … Read more

[Solved] Why does this solution works in JavaScript but takes too long in C++? (Dynamic Programming)

A difference between your JavaScript and C++ code samples is: the C++ function has just two parameters instead of 3, the map object being managed as a global entity. In some sense, having just 2 parameters is “The Right Thing”. The unordered map is about some internal necessity of the algorithm. Why should user code … Read more

[Solved] if/else statement

I can’t try this because it’s a bit orphaned, but try the following (or at least the following idea). I was confused because your link didn’t actually include the code you posted. Try posting a jsfiddle with the code if you’re still having problems. Your ($(‘.active’).length>0) statement doesn’t need the >0 part – all no-zero … Read more