[Solved] Why does this solution works in JavaScript but takes too long in C++? (Dynamic Programming)

A difference between your JavaScript and C++ code samples is: the C++ function has just two parameters instead of 3, the map object being managed as a global entity.

In some sense, having just 2 parameters is “The Right Thing”. The unordered map is about some internal necessity of the algorithm. Why should user code have to know about that ?

And should you some day decide to use instead an ordered map or a set or a bit vector, why should that force user code to change the list of header files it has to #include ?

So having just 2 parameters is fine, however managing the map as an external global object is not that good. In C++ programming, global objects are generally frowned upon. In your case, it puts an undue burden on user code, such as having to reset the map object between two calls to canSum() ? Such a precaution is all too easily forgotten.

To solve the problem, you could use two C++ functions: an external one, and the internal one.

The external one takes care (internally) of the life cycle of the map object. The internal one just passes a pointer to the map object around.

C++ code for the internal function:

#include  <vector>
#include  <unordered_map>
#include  <iostream>

using  MyMapType = std::unordered_map<int, bool>;  // ad hoc map type
using  std::vector;

bool canSumWithMap(int goal, const vector<int>& vec, MyMapType& myMap)
    if (goal < 0)   return false;
    if (goal == 0)  return true;

    if (myMap[goal])
        return myMap[goal];

    for (auto& ell : vec)
        if (canSumWithMap(goal-ell, vec, myMap)) 
            myMap.insert({goal, true});
            return true;
    myMap.insert({goal, false});
    return false;

Please note that both the map and the vector are passed by reference, with a ‘&’ character, in order to avoid unnecessary copying during function calls.

C++ code for the external function, plus main program:

bool canSum(int goal, const vector<int>& vec)
    MyMapType  myMap;  // new map object initialized as empty

    bool rc = canSumWithMap(goal, vec, myMap);

    return rc;
    // myMap automagically deallocated here

using  std::cout;
using  std::endl;

int main()
    cout << std::boolalpha;  // want to print true or false rather than 0 or 1
    cout << canSum(7, {2,3})      << endl;
    cout << canSum(7, {5,3,4,7})  << endl;
    cout << canSum(7, {2,4})      << endl;  // no, can only do multiples of 2
    cout << canSum(8, {2,3,5})    << endl;
    cout << canSum(300, {7,14})   << endl;  // no, can only do multiples of 7

    return 0;

The above code runs successfully on my semi-vintage Intel x86-64 machine in 50 seconds, GNU C++ v10.2, with -O2 option.

Program output:

$ g++ --version
g++ (GCC) 10.2.1 20201125 (Red Hat 10.2.1-9)
Copyright © 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
$ g++ -O2 q66720598.cpp  -o q66720598.x
$ time q66720598.x

real   0m49,986s
user   0m49,841s
sys    0m0,003s

Performance measurements:

On my machine, your JavaScript codes runs in 19 seconds. And C++ with unordered maps takes 50 seconds, which is a bit disappointing.

Switching from unordered maps to plain (ordered) maps decreases the C++ time to 36 seconds, that’s still slower than JavaScript.

It takes a bit vector, defined like this:

    std::vector<bool>  myMap(goal+1, false);

to restore proper hierarchy 🙂 and make C++ 3 times faster than JavaScript, with a wall time of only 6 seconds.

So this is one of those situations where map objects, though functionally quite powerful and versatile, can be way slower than some ad hoc data structure.


solved Why does this solution works in JavaScript but takes too long in C++? (Dynamic Programming)