[Solved] Tell me how to replace python data, How can I read the a.txt file and make it in the following format? [closed]

file = open(‘a.txt’, ‘r’) l = [] for line in file: l.append( line.split()) Then if you want the second part to be integer, you can use list comprehension: l = [ [i[0], int(float(i[1]))] for i in l] output [[‘abcd.com’, 0], [‘*’, 66999306], [‘asdf.com’, 150744025], [‘asfd.df.com’, 193139033], [‘fdsa.com’, 907938122], [‘bank.com’, 2638989462], [‘fire.com’, 4151822166], [‘ms.com’, 7026079907] ] … Read more

[Solved] Calculate difference between two datetimes odoo 10 [duplicate]

Try with this example: from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta @api.one @api.depends(‘start_field’,’finish_field’) def _total_minutes(self): if self.start_field and self.finish_field: start_dt = fields.Datetime.from_string(self.start_field) finish_dt = fields.Datetime.from_string(self.finish_field) difference = relativedelta(finish_dt, start_dt) days = difference.days hours = difference.hours minutes = difference.minutes seconds = 0 1 solved Calculate difference between two datetimes odoo 10 [duplicate]

[Solved] Convertible or not?

You can only cast a reference if there is an “is a” relationship. There is no “is a” relationship between A and B. A is a C, and B is a C, but B is not an A. Consider: Both apples (B) and oranges (A) are fruit (C), but apples are not oranges. Note: In … Read more

[Solved] Pass Uploaded Image in document.getElementById instead of canvas

I edited that two files 1. Javascript code var target; const imageUrl = “”; var jsonData = { “layers”: [{ “x”: 0, “height”: 200, “layers”: [{ “type”: “image”, “name”: “bg_img”, “x”: 0, “y”: 0, “width”: 200, “height”: 200, “src”: “14IVyVb.png”, }, { “type”: “image”, “src”: “l8vA9bB.png”, “name”: “mask_userimg”, “x”: 10, “y”: 15, “width”: 180, “height”: … Read more

[Solved] Python for loop generates list? [closed]

First the expression is called list comprehension. Its used to create a new list as you iterate another list/iterable. A good scenario is [value for item in range(integer)] New array is generated [], the values of that array will depend on the value from the expression above on each iteration . Meaning if you do … Read more

[Solved] json_encode with object oriented PHP [closed]

You don’t need Object Oriented to do that : $array = array(“usa” => array( “label”=>”USA”, “data” => array( array(“1988″,”483994”), array(“1989″,”457645”) //etc ) ) ); echo json_encode($array); The same works back with the json string like this : $string = ‘{ “usa”: { label: “USA”, data: [[1988, 483994], [1989, 479060], [1990, 457648], [1991, 401949], [1992, 424705], … Read more

[Solved] How to access one2many fields values on Kanban view odoo 0.8?

Yes you can. This question is a duplicate to Is it possible to show an One2many field in a kanban view in Odoo? but here is a link to a module from Serpent Consulting which will be able to do what you are looking for. https://apps.openerp.com/apps/modules/8.0/web_one2many_kanban/ Here is a little more info. <kanban> <field name=”one2manyFieldname”/> … Read more

[Solved] How to write a python program that takes a number from the users and prints the divisors of that number and then print how many divisors were there? [closed]

How to write a python program that takes a number from the users and prints the divisors of that number and then print how many divisors were there? [closed] solved How to write a python program that takes a number from the users and prints the divisors of that number and then print how many … Read more

[Solved] What is the meaning of std::stack s1;

The type: std::stack<int,std::vector<int>> means that we wish to construct a stack of integers, with the container for the stack implemented as a vector of integers. More detail, in the unlikely event you need it, can be found here. In other words, create a vector of integers, then wrap the stack type around that. A stack … Read more

[Solved] find the firmware in javascript

If you expect that your clients will have Flash installed (95%+ of the world does), you can use a Flash movie to check the flash.system.Capabilities object. It has lots of information you might be interested in. If you’re trying to find it on an iOS machine, then obviously this won’t work since it’s not going … Read more