[Solved] Is condition considered a special word in mySQL?

Yes, condition is a reserved word as of MySQL 5.0. Your original Create Table works because you can use ` to quote reserved words for use in table/field names. Works: SELECT * FROM `condition`; DROP TABLE `condition`; # etc. Doesn’t: SELECT * FROM condition 0 solved Is condition considered a special word in mySQL?

[Solved] Python: Sorting list in dictionary by key name

You need to sort the other lists based on the order of ‘Functions’, and sort that list last. One way to implement this is using zip to combine e.g. ‘Functions’ and ‘Action’ into a single list [(‘Transfer Amount’, ‘N’), …], sort that, then extract the second value from each pair (using e.g. map and operator.itemgetter): … Read more

[Solved] Why does my macro only work once?

Would it work this way? Sheets(“Weekly Plan”).Select ActiveSheet.Unprotect Sheets(“Template”).Select Rows(“1:21”).Select Selection.Copy Rows(“6:6”).Select Range(“B6”).Activate Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown Sheets(“Weekly Plan”).Select Range(“K10”).Select Range(“K28:K47”).Select Range(“K47”).Activate Application.CutCopyMode = False Selection.Copy Range(“K7”).Select ActiveSheet.Paste Application.CutCopyMode = False ActiveSheet.Protect solved Why does my macro only work once?

[Solved] How to Upload Image files Using Codeigniter? [closed]

Here is an example. Hope this would help you 🙂 in your controller. lets say upload.php public function upload() { if($this->input->post(‘upload’)) { $config[‘upload_path’] = APPPATH . ‘your upload folder name here/’; $config[‘file_name’] = filename_here; $config[‘overwrite’] = TRUE; $config[“allowed_types”] = ‘jpg|jpeg|png|gif’; $config[“max_size”] = 1024; $config[“max_width”] = 400; $config[“max_height”] = 400; $this->load->library(‘upload’, $config); if(!$this->upload->do_upload()) { $this->data[‘error’] = … Read more

[Solved] jQuery – Passing only certain values into a running total

I presume your full code looks something like: $(‘#table1 .set2′).each(function (idx) { total += parseInt($(this).html(),10); }); What you’ll need to do is use the mod operator like so: $(‘#table1 .set2’).each(function (idx) { if ((idx + 1) % 5 === 0 && idx !== 19)) { total += parseInt($(this).html(),10); } }); Every 5th value apart from … Read more

[Solved] Is HealthKit query on WatchOS limited?

The issue was that on iPhone HKHealthStore returns all records, however on watch only records added by release versions of the app are fetched. That’s why I didn’t see the same data on watch as on iPhone. solved Is HealthKit query on WatchOS limited?

[Solved] Why doesn’t this code work? (VB.Net)

To get the home directory of the current user use: Dim homeDir As String = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(“USERPROFILE”) Then copy the file: My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(“D:\FrewGame\Game\FrewShort.lnk”, homeDir & “\Desktop\” & “Name.lnk”) 3 solved Why doesn’t this code work? (VB.Net)

[Solved] How do i multiply values of an array

You are not reconstructing an array in your foreach loop. So your $od variable does just get overridden each time you loop. Your code should be foreach($_POST[‘gm’] as $key => $answer) { if($answer != ”) { $odd = explode(” “,$answer); $od[] = trim($odd[0]); } } $total = array_product($od); echo $total; 0 solved How do i … Read more

[Solved] Install a C program to another machine without share code [closed]

The simplest way to share your program is compile it and share the binaries. There are a lot of open question you will have to solve (libraries dependencies, specific distribution configurations, …). You must to precompile for every targeted hardware architecture (x86-64, ARM, …) and for every specific SO (BSD, Linux, … even Windows). As … Read more

[Solved] How to replicate c++ printf function [closed]

You can use recursive templates and std::string::replace: #include <iostream> #include <string> template<typename Arg> void convertArgument(std::string &fmt, Arg arg) { int location = fmt.find(“%d”); fmt.replace(location, 2, arg); } template<> void convertArgument(std::string &fmt, int arg) { int location = fmt.find(“%d”); fmt.replace(location, 2, std::to_string(arg)); } template<typename Arg> std::string convert(std::string fmt, Arg arg) { convertArgument(fmt, arg); return fmt; } … Read more

[Solved] scanner in while loop [duplicate]

Let’s extract a method (ReadInteger) for it. Please, note, that we use int.TryParse instead of Convert.ToInt32 since user input is not necessary a valid integer private static int ReadInteger(String title = null) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) Console.WriteLine(title); while (true) { if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int result)) return result; Console.WriteLine(“Sorry, the input is not a valid integer, try … Read more