[Solved] C# Argument 1: cannot convert from ‘void’ to ‘bool’ [closed]

Remember: void means your method doesn’t return a value, so it cannot be assigned to other variable or passed to method as an argument like WriteLine method: this is what you’re looking for: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(“what is num?”); int num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); downnums(num); } public static void downnums(int num) … Read more

[Solved] What does this line of code mean

This is not standard C++ program. Zero size arrays are not allowed in C & C++. You should use -pedantic-errors command line option if you are using g++ & clang++ compiler to strictly confirm to the standard & disable any compiler extensions. See live demo here. Clang++ says source_file.cpp:7:14: error: zero size arrays are an … Read more

[Solved] nested IF, AND, OR function compare and give result excel

Try this formula =MATCH(G5,{“Prica Plus”,”Miks S”,”Miks M”,”Miks L”,”Miks XL”,”Miks XL Plus”,”Miks XXL”,”Super”},0)-MATCH(F5,{“Prica Plus”,”Miks S”,”Miks M”,”Miks L”,”Miks XL”,”Miks XL Plus”,”Miks XXL”,”Super”},0) Above formula can be broken down in two parts. Firstly, matching Cell G5 to your values =MATCH(G5,{“Prica Plus”,”Miks S”,”Miks M”,”Miks L”,”Miks XL”,”Miks XL Plus”,”Miks XXL”,”Super”},0) Secondly, matching Cell H5 to your values =MATCH(F5,{“Prica Plus”,”Miks S”,”Miks … Read more

[Solved] Add row and fill value in dataGridView C#

Having first loaded your DataGridView you then need to pass the DataTable that was the initial source through to a method that looks similar to this: private void addExtraRows(DataTable dT) { DataTable newTable = dT.Clone(); DataRow nR; int lastRow = dT.Rows.Count – 1; for (int i = 0; i < lastRow; i++) { if (dataGridView3.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString() … Read more

[Solved] Haskell Zip Parse Error

printList :: IO () printList = do putStrLn “Printed Combined List” zip [NameList][PriorityList] There are many things wrong with this code. The parse error you are seeing is because the do block is not properly aligned. The zip on the last line must line up with the putStrLn on the line before. So either printList … Read more

[Solved] Invalid use of void expression in strcmp

It looks like you want to compare strings after sorting. Assuming your sort function does the right thing, you need to compare the strings after sorting them. sort(string1); sort(string2); val = strcmp(string1, string2); The reason for the error is that your sort function returns void. So you are effectively passing void arguments to strcmp. And … Read more

[Solved] Using CSS to style a numbered list

Below is a sample on how the desired result can be achieved using <ol> (ordered lists) and CSS counters. It has a bit of a hack-ish feel about it because of the expectation that when a line is wrapped around, it should not start from under the numberings. Otherwise, I feel this method is much … Read more

[Solved] why < is much faster than !=?

When you call cycle with the input value 113383, the process eventually sets n to 827370449, and 3*827370449+1 is 2482111348, which is greater than the maximum signed int and is interpreted as -1812855948. So there’s your first negative number where there should be no negative number. If this process then eventually sets n to -2, … Read more

[Solved] how to select a div among sets of divs with thesame class name and contained in a main container div

It is just really tough to tell exactly what you need. I sounds like you have elements that are generated dynamically in your javascript, and you are having trouble making those draggable. I assume this means that you have successfully made other elements on the page draggable that were not added dynamically. IF this is … Read more

[Solved] Deleting on array item in Windows Phone C# app and never show it in next app launch [closed]

Pretty basic example of using storage folder with xml output/input. You can modify it do what you wish. I use a more complicated version of it for my own windows phone app. I’m assuming you having a hard time writing and reading the data back. If you need help deleting a random element from the … Read more

[Solved] Projectile motion in Unity3d

Let’s be more specific. The projectile is launched from point A and needs to hit B, who is moving horizontally with constant speed in 2D. This is the position of the projectile, over time: P.x = A0.x + VP0.x * t P.y = A0.y + VP0.y * t – g/2 * t^2 And this is … Read more

[Solved] php bind_param number of variables doesn’t match number of parameters

You get the error because you bind 7 params to the query, but don’t use any of them. Instead you insert the variables directly into the query, which leads to the data being (insecurely) inserted into the database. $insert = $this->con->db->prepare(‘UPDATE users SET firstName=”‘.$updateFirstName.'”, lastName=”‘.$updateLastName.'”, username=”‘.$updateUsername.'”, email=”‘.$updateEmail.'”, profileImage=”‘.$updateProfileImage.'”, bio=”‘.$updateBio.'” WHERE userID = ‘.$userID); should be … Read more

[Solved] Why do I have to use getSupportActionBar() for activity that extends AppCompatActivity?

AppCompatActivity is activity for older version android up to latest version. so if your targer application is android 2.3 – 6.0 you must extend appcompactactivity rather than just plain activity. and method getActionBar is intended to use with activity. getSupportActionBar is intended to use with appCompactActivity What you import is a class from other project, … Read more