[Solved] Invalid value type: String for Integer

Remove the quotes from around the numbers like this: Map<String, Integer> temp = new Map<String, Integer>{‘type’ => 123, ‘count’ => 1}; EDIT: As you changed your question completely, the best way of achieving this would be: public List<Map<String,String>> getPhoneData() { List<Map<String, String>> mapp = new List<Map<String, String>>(); Map<String, String> temp = new Map<String, String>{‘type’ => … Read more

[Solved] How to correctly add Func to Linq?

Reducing the code to its basic form, your first snippet is of the form list.Where(p => NameContainsPassword(p) || HasEncryptedConfigurationItemAttribute(p)) where I inlined your IsNeverSerializedProperty function. The second function is of the form list .Where(p => NameContainsPassword(p)) .Where(p => HasEncryptedConfigurationItemAttribute(p)) which first filters all items for which NameContainsPassword(p) holds and then from that filters all items … Read more

[Solved] Why does Java and Javascript Math.round(-1.5) to -1?

Rounding mode to round towards negative infinity. If the result is positive, behave as for RoundingMode.DOWN; if negative, behave as for RoundingMode.UP. Note that this rounding mode never increases the calculated value. It is just matter of whole number and its position against number chart. From here you can see javadocs. public static int round(float … Read more

[Solved] What does ((111 >= 111) | !(TRUE)) & ((4 + 1) == 5) mean?

Where did you come across the expression? It’s very likely that this is just to get you thinking about evaluations and booleans in R. Essentially, work inside of the parentheses and work outward until there is nothing left to evaluate. Let’s work through it step by step: ((111 >= 111) | !(TRUE)) & ((4 + … Read more

[Solved] Create a PDF file in memory

this solution, using itext, primefaces media. <p:dataTable widgetVar=”tb1″ id=”tablaFact” var=”item” selection=”#{listadoFacturasMB.selectedFactura}” selectionMode=”single” paginator=”true” rows=”20″ rowKey=”#{item.idFactura}” value=”#{listadoFacturasMB.facturaUtilList}”> <p:ajax event=”rowSelect” update=”:frm1:growl :frm1:dialog” oncomplete=”PF(‘servDialog’).show()” listener=”#{listadoFacturasMB.createPDF}”/> <f:facet name=”header”> <h:outputText value=”Listado de facturas (Cantidad: #{listadoFacturasMB.cantFact})”/> </f:facet> <p:column style=”width:10%” headerText=”Nro” sortBy=”noFactura” filterFunction=”#{utilMB.filterByName}” filterBy=”noFactura” filterMatchMode=”contains”> <h:outputText value=”#{item.noFactura}”/> </p:column> </p:dataTable> <p:dialog resizable=”false” closeOnEscape=”true” appendTo=”@(body)” modal=”true” id=”dialog” header=”Detalles de la factura” widgetVar=”servDialog” width=”1000px” height=”630px”> … Read more

[Solved] Basic Swift grammar

Your code does not compile. sender is Any, so you can’t access the property titleLabel directly. You either have to write: guard let senderedText = (sender as? UIButton)?.titleLabel?.text else { return } Or change the parameter type: @IBAction func inputformula(_ sender: UIButton) { As you can see, I inferred sender to be a UIButton because … Read more