[Solved] Output of Nested printf and scanf in C [closed]

I think what you are missing is, your one line with nested function calls is basically same as this code: int scanf_result = scanf(“%d%d,”,&i,&a); int printf_result = printf(“PRINT %d\t”, scanf_result)); printf(“%d”, printf_result); scanf call should return 2 if you entered valid input, but can also return -1 for actual error, or 0 or 1 if … Read more

[Solved] What is wrong with Visual Studio? [closed]

It may be that your computer doesn’t have the capacity to run VS… Just restart VS (via task manager if it isn’t responding), if problem persists try restarting your computer. If this still doesn’t fix it reinstall VS. If you do decide to reinstall, make sure you fully uninstall first otherwise reinstalling would be pointless. … Read more

[Solved] Write a class for a simple credit card account

The description you have given is basically check-list of functionality that needs to be implemented. My suggestion is to break each task down into smaller and smaller bits and that you can work your way through and check of as you do them. This will give you a nice roadmap, and also give you good … Read more

[Solved] Transform std::pair to std::tuple with any number of elements

Option #1 #include <cstddef> #include <type_traits> #include <utility> #include <tuple> template <typename A, typename B> struct merge_tuples { static_assert(std::tuple_size<A>::value == std::tuple_size<B>::value, “!”); template <std::size_t… Is> static auto merge(std::index_sequence<Is…>) noexcept -> std::tuple<typename std::decay<decltype(std::declval<typename std::tuple_element<Is, A>::type>() + std::declval<typename std::tuple_element<Is, B>::type>()) >::type…>; using type = decltype(merge(std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<A>::value>{})); }; DEMO Option #2 #include <type_traits> #include <utility> template <typename A, typename … Read more

[Solved] Android java type org.json.JSONObject cannot be converted to JSONArray

Change JSONArray list = new JSONArray(Jo_result.getString(“result”)); To JSONObject list = new JSONObject(Jo_result.getString(“result”)); Your string is contained between {} which makes it an object. Keep in mind this {} = Json Object [] = Json Array UPDATE When you do this JSONObject resultsObject = list.getJSONObject(i); it’s expecting another object within the main object, for example : … Read more

[Solved] calling python method name from name [closed]

When python searches for a module to import, it first uses sys.modules or the built-in modules: When a module named spam is imported, the interpreter first searches for a built-in module with that name. If not found … Since there is already an abc module you’re importing the wrong module. Change the name of your … Read more

[Solved] Python Json Parseing for output [closed]

You need to know the format of the response to parse it. I saw, that you used requests.get(). After your get request request = requests.get(…) request.json() will return a dict object of your JSON response. It looks like that (after formatted, used the codes like of @Alex): {u’sort’: u’relevance’, u’items’: [{u’marketplace’: False, u’imageEntities’: [ {u’entityType’: … Read more

[Solved] convert curl to httpclient post [closed]

The apache http client makes this a piece of cake. Check the following tutorial for more details : http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/ApacheHttpClient/article.html http://www.mkyong.com/java/how-to-send-http-request-getpost-in-java/ solved convert curl to httpclient post [closed]

[Solved] How to optimize and speed up this operation

List<Customer> customers = GetCustomers(“ACT”); Task[] tasks = new Task[MaxNumOfConcurrentSaves]; While(customers.Length > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < MaxNumOfConcurrentTasks; i++){ tasks[i] = SaveCustomerData(customers[i]); customers[i] = null; } customers = List.FindAll<Customer>(customers, aCust => !(aCust == null)); Task.AwaitAll(tasks) } Ok so here’s whats happening (and you’ll have to perfect it for your uses): while we have … Read more