[Solved] How to set a matrix as a parameter to a function

You can represent the matrix as a vector<vector<int> >. Try something like this: #include <vector> using namespace std; void myFunction(const vector<vector<int> >& matrix) { // do something w/ matrix passed in… } int main() { // create a 3×4 matrix initialized to all zero const size_t rowCount = 3; const size_t colCount = 4; vector<vector<int> … Read more

[Solved] Combine two integers (one containing the integer part, the other the decimal part) into a floating point number

Cheating solution goes like this: string number = wholeNumber + “.” + decimal double doubleNumber = Double.Parse(number); Clean solution would involve checking how many values you have in the ‘decimal’, dividing by 10^amount and adding them As was pointed out – decimal seperator is cultural-specific – so the completly correct version is string number = … Read more

[Solved] File Write Operation in javascript

The File Writer API is defunct and never saw significant browser support. You cannot write files from browser-based JavaScript. What you do instead is provide the user with a link that they can download, like this: var filename = “readme.txt”; var text = “Text of the file goes here.”; var blob = new Blob([text], {type:’text/plain’}); … Read more

[Solved] wildly different behaviour between O2 and O3 optimized FP code [closed]

From GCC manual: -O3 Optimize yet more. -O3 turns on all optimizations specified by -O2 and also turns on the -finline-functions, -funswitch-loops, -fpredictive-commoning, -fgcse-after-reload, -ftree-vectorize, -fvect-cost-model, -ftree-partial-pre and -fipa-cp-clone options. No of these optimizations are particularly unsafe. The only optimization that I see can change the result is -ftree-vectorize. In some cases, using vector instructions … Read more

[Solved] not able to compile code with “std::pair” [closed]

You cannot declare a member variable of a class like that. Declare it as: typedef std::pair <int, int> MyMove; static const MyMove my_no_move; And then define it outside the class as: // The typedef MyMove is also scoped const ConnectFourState::MyMove ConnectFourState::my_no_move(-1, -1); 3 solved not able to compile code with “std::pair” [closed]

[Solved] PHP finish text with … if it is too long

There’s no need to apply any PHP programming logic here. This thing can be achieved in CSS easily. .text-ellipsis { overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; } And add this class to your span: <span class=”text-ellipsis”>WWWWWWWWWWWWW</span> 0 solved PHP finish text with … if it is too long

[Solved] Generalized way to remove empty row given by aggregate functions in SQLite

You are overcomplicating things with the use of the aggregate function MAX(). This part of your code: EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ( SELECT MAX(TourCompletionDateTime) AS TourCompletionDateTime FROM Details WHERE TourCompletionDateTime < ‘2022-07-26T09:36:00.730589Z’ ) WHERE TourCompletionDateTime IS NOT NULL ) is equivalent to just: EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM Details WHERE TourCompletionDateTime < ‘2022-07-26T09:36:00.730589Z’ ) … Read more

[Solved] if statement in a foreach loop c# [closed]

You dealing with type string not char. So update single quotes to double quotes: foreach (User user in this.oSkype.Friends) { if (user.OnlineStatus == “olsOffline”) { this.listBoxControl1.Items.Add(user.Handle + ” Offline”); } else { this.listBoxControl1.Items.Add(user.Handle + ” Online”); } } 1 solved if statement in a foreach loop c# [closed]