[Solved] Convert string to char error message [closed]

Console.ReadLine gives you a string a string is, among other things, a collection of chars try this string number = “”; int numb = 0; Console.WriteLine(“Please enter the telephone number…”); number = Console.ReadLine(); for(int i=0; i<number.Count; i++) { if (number[i] == ‘A’) { //… } } solved Convert string to char error message [closed]

[Solved] Adding values from textbox to label [closed]

I believe what you are trying to do is to add a value to PizzaPrice, then display it on txtPizzaPrice.Text with the £ sign appended to the front. PizzaPrice should be a property rather than a field. public double PizzaPrice { get; set; } Notice that I += the value to pizza price, then display … Read more

[Solved] Python elif: syntax error

you end the if block in the previous line when put a instruction at the same level indentation that the if statement if condition: stuff something # doing this close the if block and a elif can only happen in a if block and you do that in if row_count == 0: for i in … Read more

[Solved] change method code at run time [closed]

My advise: A code at run time cannot be editted! Specially when you’re running the code and a client is using the service. You can edit the code by yourself only. Client would be using if else block statements only. You can edit the code, and add some if else blocks to it, so that … Read more

[Solved] toDF is not working in spark scala ide , but works perfectly in spark-shell [duplicate]

To toDF(), you must enable implicit conversions: import spark.implicits._ In spark-shell, it is enabled by default and that’s why the code works there. :imports command can be used to see what imports are already present in your shell: scala> :imports 1) import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ (70 terms, 1 are implicit) 2) import spark.implicits._ (1 types, 67 terms, … Read more

[Solved] jQuery .each() function – Which method is optimized? [closed]

I’d use map(), because it’s there for this very purpose (no need for temp array) var textLinks = $(“a”).map(function(){ return $.trim($(this).text()); }); Edit: If I was looking for the fastest solution I’d start with ditching jQuery 😉 var textLinks = (Array.prototype.slice.call(document.links)).map(function(a){ return a.textContent || a.innerText }) Or if you’re concerned about browsers without Array.map use … Read more

[Solved] Import data from an API link that contains JSON to EXCEL [closed]

First of all you need to examine the structure of the JSON response, using any online JSON viewer (e. g. http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/), where you can see that your JSON object contains atletas array, clubes, posicoes, status, time objects, and several properties with scalar values: Going further there are objects within atletas array, each of them contains … Read more