[Solved] Create a map with values of one map as key and values of each map as values from a list of maps [closed]

You want something like this: List<Map<String, String>> result = four.stream() // iterate the Map with values .map(map -> map.entrySet() // .. for each one .stream() // .. stream and collect .collect(Collectors.toMap( // .. into a new Map e -> one.get(e.getKey()), // .. with a key from the `one` Map Map.Entry::getValue))) // .. and the same … Read more

[Solved] Acessing and positioning divs with css

With the best understanding of your question, I tried to give you an answer. section {} .main { float: left; position: absolute; width: 400px; height: 100%; margin: auto 13%; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; } .section1 { width: 40%; } .section2 { width: 40%; } .section1, .section2 { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; … Read more

[Solved] How to give css style to Radio button

You could write this into your CSS-File. input[type=”radio”] { … your declarations here … } This is the selector for your radios. NOTE: This will affect other radios on your site too. It would be better if you wrap your radios with a div or other tags and give the tag a specific id. Then … Read more

[Solved] ReportPayment() method in main is giving errors

Reworked the answer: I tried to run the code myself and with a little tweaking it works perfectly fine. We are getting there. I think thi is the whole thing you should need! This should now fix your error aswell as fit the requirements you have. I changed: renamed ReportPayment() to reportPayment() removed te space … Read more

[Solved] How to rotate a vector in opengl?

Yes OpenGL uses 4×4 uniform transform matrices internally. But the glRotate API uses 4 parameters instead of 3: glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glRotatef(angle,x,y,z); it will rotate selected matrix around point (0,0,0) and axis [(0,0,0),(x,y,z)] by angle angle [deg]. If you need to rotate around specific point (x0,y0,z0) then you should also translate: glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glTranslatef(+x0,+y0,+z0); glRotatef(angle,x,y,z); glTranslatef(-x0,-y0,-z0); This is … Read more

[Solved] why the character value stores in integer? [duplicate]

The answer is in two parts. You typed c = getchar(); But getchar clearly returns characters, so how can this work? Well, actually, it works just fine, in part because the return value from getchar is actually an int (so that it can also return the non-char value EOF). So there’s no problem here at … Read more

[Solved] Redirection not happening in Php [duplicate]

You can’t output prior to redirection. Either move the location redirect logic prior to output or you can add ob_start(); as the first line in your script and then that output will get discarded upon redirect. 1 solved Redirection not happening in Php [duplicate]

[Solved] interpreting the confusion matrix [closed]

Remove id feature, also check and remove any features which you think add no value to prediction (any other features like id) or features with unique values. Also check if there is any class imbalance (how many samples of each class are present in data, is there proper balance among the classes?). Then try applying … Read more

[Solved] How to wait until the ajax command finished in JavaScript?

You has called xmlhttp.open(“GET”, “yearselectionchanged.php?q=” + value, true); But the last param would be false, like this: xmlhttp.open(“GET”, “yearselectionchanged.php?q=” + value, false); True is a async request, then your code does not wait for response. And False is sync, your code will wait for response. See the documentation here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/Synchronous_and_Asynchronous_Requests#Synchronous_request 4 solved How to wait … Read more

[Solved] GAS search and download youtube programmatically

You cannot search by duration with such granular detail; you can only provide a filter parameter that searches for “short” (under 4 minutes), “medium” (4 minutes – 20 minutes), or “long” (more than 20 minutes). The parameter is “videoDuration,” so your query function would look like this: var results = YouTube.Search.list(‘id,snippet’, { q: ‘dogs’, maxResults: … Read more