[Solved] Extract single words or phrases from list of strings which are not in base string

Update This version adds all already seen words to the exclude set: exclude = set(‘why kid is upset’.split()) list_of_strings = [‘why my kid is upset’, ‘why beautiful kid is upset’, ‘why my 15 years old kid is upset’, ‘why my kid is always upset’] res = [] for item in list_of_strings: words = item.split() res.append(‘ … Read more

[Solved] Scientific Calculator in C# [closed]

Firstly, this shouldn’t be a Java Specific question. Secondly, a quick google search could have given you this answer Including this one -> SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR USING C-SHARP(C#.NET), which basically covers all the scientific functions you’re looking for including the Radian to Degree conversion solved Scientific Calculator in C# [closed]

[Solved] Merge objects in an array if they have the same date

This is a good use case for reduce. const rawData = [ { date: ‘3/10/2019’, a: ‘123’, }, { date: ‘3/10/2019’, b: ‘456’, }, { date: ‘3/11/2019’, a: ‘789’, }, { date: ‘3/11/2019’, b: ‘012’, }, { date: ‘3/11/2019’, c: ‘345’, } ]; const groupByDate = array => array.reduce((results, item) => { const current = … Read more

[Solved] I need help trying to understand this piece of code about structures and pointers [closed]

p is a pointer to a structure – this means that p ‘holds’ the starting address for a structure in memory — Hence: p = d.elmts+i represents the starting address in memory, for the current structure (i represents the address offset). In this example memory has been allocated for ‘dictSize’ structures (i.e. the number of … Read more

[Solved] Initializing objects in Java without declaring a class or using a class

Java is statically typed so you can’t point a variable to an instantiated object without declaring the class. You can create classes without a pointer but they will just be collected by the garbage collection machine unless you’re passing them to something that uses the new object you’re creating. This is nothing in Java: myObject … Read more

[Solved] Reading data within parenthesis

I shouldn’t, but check this out: Matcher m = Pattern.compile(test.replace(“{“, “\\{(“).replace(“}”, “)\\}”)).matcher(test); m.find(); for (int i = 1; i <= m.groupCount(); i++) { System.out.println(m.group(i)); } Ideone Demo 1 solved Reading data within parenthesis

[Solved] Object of class mysqli_result could not be converted to int – Can’t find my Error [duplicate]

mysqli_query does not return your number directly. It returns a mysqli_result as you can see here. To get the row you have parsed, you should fetch it first: $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result) A lot of information on using mysqli can be found here. 6 solved Object of class mysqli_result could not be converted to int – … Read more

[Solved] { or ; expected error

It appears as though you have some illegal characters in the body of your expression for MyView: Change: public DCMViewer MyView { get **=>** myView; set => myView = value; } To: public DCMViewer MyView { get => myView; set => myView = value; I did a test on the syntax and received the same … Read more

[Solved] Access index of current element in range-for loop c++20

After looking into defining a view interface, I decided to use range-v3. There are several things missing from std::ranges https://stackoverflow.com/a/68172842/11998382, and until they are added in future standards, it is sensible to use range-v3 rather than repeatedly attempting non-trivial implementations yourself. solved Access index of current element in range-for loop c++20

[Solved] Pick data from array of objects and return new object

This really is a simple one liner via map and delete or map and ES6 destructuring as shown in the 2 examples bellow: var data = [{ “first”: “Linda”, “last”: “Donson”, “salary”: “4000USD” }, { “first”: “Mark”, “last”: “Sullivan”, “salary”: “3500USD” } ] console.log(data.map(x => delete(x.salary) && x)) Also if you are concerned about mutating … Read more