[Solved] Visual Studio 2013 Pirated Risks

While there are no shortage of people who will lecture you on the evils of pirated software… from the unknown quality (you don’t know if it contains viruses or malware) to the ethical and legal issues (yes, its illegal, even if you are unlikely to get “caught” even in your country). There are better alternatives, … Read more

[Solved] C# code allow fun syntax, and also void method can allowed return

The method builds because it’s perfectly valid C#. Those are labels. They are part of the goto construct that C# inherited from C / C++ that allows execution to jump to a specific point within the method. It’s use is generally discouraged. From 8.4 Labeled statements A labeled-statement permits a statement to be prefixed by … Read more

[Solved] Define sign ambiguous pointer parameter for a function

With C, you have limited options. You can do the typecasting that you don’t like when you call the function: void MyFunction(unsigned char* Var); int main(void) { unsigned char Var1 = 5U; signed char Var2 = 5; MyFunction(&Var1); MyFunction((unsigned char *)&Var2); } you can use void * and typecast in the function itself and just … Read more

[Solved] How do I find the culprit code that is making C++ list give me ‘attempting to reference a deleted function’ error with MSVC 14.20.27508? [closed]

How do I find the culprit code that is making C++ list give me ‘attempting to reference a deleted function’ error with MSVC 14.20.27508? [closed] solved How do I find the culprit code that is making C++ list give me ‘attempting to reference a deleted function’ error with MSVC 14.20.27508? [closed]

[Solved] how can i check winners by using jquery [duplicate]

$(document).ready(function() { let gameArray = []; let turn = 1; let gameOver = false; $(“#turn”).text(turn === 1 ? ‘X’ : ‘O’); $(“.smallbox”).click(function() { let squereIndex = $(this).attr(‘id’).replace(‘square’, ”) – 1; if (turn == 1 && !gameOver && gameArray[squereIndex] === undefined) { $(this).text(“X”); $(this).addClass(“X”); turn = 2; gameArray[squereIndex] = 1; } else if (!gameOver && gameArray[squereIndex] … Read more

[Solved] How would I go about Game Networking with C#? [closed]

If you have average skill using an SDK should be helpful for you. Start out with something like XNA Game Studio to see how those concepts are done. This document is the starting point for the SDK https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb200104.aspx and the “Network” concepts you are specially looking for are discussed here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb975947.aspx As for the database … Read more

[Solved] How to add OpenCV files in Visual Studio

Extract the OpenCV install in any directory you want. Copy the path of the directory where you extracted the OpenCV and add it to your System PATH. Restart your computer to allow it to recognize new environment variables. Open the properties of the project in Visual Studio and select VC++ Directories Select Include Directories and … Read more

[Solved] wrong result in Visual Studio

insert_recursively does not return a value when it goes into else block however you store the returned value (garbage) in right_linker or left_linker anyway. Note that compiler issues a corresponding warning: warning C4715: ‘insert_recursively’: not all control paths return a value 1 solved wrong result in Visual Studio

[Solved] foreach loop syntax error C# Visual Studio 2013 ultimate

I’m not 100% sure about this, but your foreach is between your try and catch block, maybe try with that: try { string filename = “../../” + filenametxt.Text; StreamReader inputFile = File.OpenText(filename); while(!inputFile.EndOfStream) { studentansArray[index] = inputFile.ReadLine(); if (studentansArray[index] == answerArray[index]) count++; else { qnumber = index + 1; incorrectList.Add(qnumber.ToString()); } index++; } inputFile.Close(); if … Read more

[Solved] Intellisense while editing JS files

Assuming you’re talking about Visual Studio, try adding the following line to the top of your .js file. /// <reference path=”~/path/to/your/jquery.js”/> Also, if you’re using anything other than the version of jQuery that was packaged with Visual Studio, you’ll need a jquery-x.x.x-vsdoc.js file that matches your jquery filename, and put that vsdoc in the same … Read more

[Solved] Is it really impossible to develop Windows Store apps on Windows 7? [closed]

It is not impossible to install the Visual Studio on the pc, although that would require you take apart the setup and do things manually, however even if you do the install will be broken and would crash more often than not, so much that it becomes pretty much unusable. So do as the other … Read more