[Solved] Copying a variable contained in cell into another cell

Try the code below, explanations inside the code’s comments: Option Explicit Sub ExtractAfterShowOnly() Dim WordsArr() As String Dim i As Long Dim MatchString As String ‘ use Split to read each section between “https://stackoverflow.com/” as arra element WordsArr = Split(Range(“A2”).Value2, “https://stackoverflow.com/”) ‘ loop through array For i = 1 To UBound(WordsArr) ‘ if there’s a … Read more

[Solved] JavaScript predefined variable “name”

Window.name is one of the predefined property of the global object window. Since Stephan Bijzitter wants an answer with more details, here it is. Section 7.3.1 of the current living HTML standards states that window.name is a property of the global object window that returns the name of the window and can be set, to … Read more

[Solved] In Java, how can I get a variable to print two doubles separately instead of adding them?

You just need to print the number as a string. replace outputDegreesF() with public static void outputDegreesF(double degreesC) { double fahrenheit = 32.0 + (degreesC * 9.0 / 5.0); System.out.print(degreesC + ” ” + fahrenheit); // Easier // Or System.out.printf(“%.7f %.7f”, degreesC, fahrenheit); // Used more and lets you format } If you want to … Read more

[Solved] How to pass variables onto another function? [closed]

Just call the function by passing the parameters a, b, and c. Syntax: retval = function_name(parameter1,parameter2,parameter3); //pass parameters as required Like this: int main(void) { float a, b, c; double d; printf(“Enter the values of ‘a’,’b’ and ‘c’: “); if (scanf(“%f %f %f”,&a,&b,&c) == 3) { d = my_function(a, b, c); printf(“Result: %f\n”, d); } … Read more

[Solved] Variable Buffer?

You’re hitting undefined behavior for the below line result = result*num; as you’ve not initialized result. The initial value for an uninitialized automatic local variable is indeterminate. Using that invokes UB. Always initialize your local variables, like int count = 0 , result = 0 ; //0 is for illustration, use any value, but do … Read more

[Solved] type of variable in Visual C#

According to the documentation, it’s not returning a byte array but an Array. Just type ByteArray_to_Hex(problem) and let Visual Studio generate the method. Then you’ll see what type it returns. Perhaps you can call ByteArray_to_Hex((byte[])problem) to explicitly cast it. solved type of variable in Visual C#

[Solved] Variable is uninitialized whenever function ‘main’ is called in C [duplicate]

Well the message is clear and it is easy to spot in your program: double gallons,miles; while (miles>=0||gallons>=0) { miles is declared in a function and so is an automatic variable. Automatic variables are not initialized (so they have garbage values). Now in the first executable statement you compare miles. But miles is still uninitialized. … Read more

[Solved] In JavaScript how would I create a variable to go through an array and remember not only the highest value but also the position of that value

In JavaScript how would I create a variable to go through an array and remember not only the highest value but also the position of that value solved In JavaScript how would I create a variable to go through an array and remember not only the highest value but also the position of that value

[Solved] How to Convert Date to Int? [closed]

String year1= String.valueOf (year); String month1= String.valueOf(month); String day1= String.valueOf(day); must be changed to String year1= String.valueOf (num1); String month1= String.valueOf(num2); String day1= String.valueOf(num3); because these 3 variables only hold the values entered by the user. Also, not sure why you need the hour, because you never get that as inout from the user. In … Read more