[Solved] Script for renaming files in a specific way

As commented, it would be a lot simpler if you put the old and new ID values in a CSV file like this: “OldID”,”NewID” “12345”,”98765″ “23456”,”87654″ “34567”,”76543″ Then, something like below should work: # read this CSV to get an array of PSObjects $ids = Import-CSV -Path ‘D:\ReplaceId.csv’ # build a lookup table from the … Read more

[Solved] Replace String variable with exact string

If I understand your question, you could use String.replace(CharSequence, CharSequence) like String str=”abcd”; String rep=”cd”; String nv = “kj”; str = str.replace(rep, nv); // <– old, new System.out.println(str); Output is (the requested) abkj 1 solved Replace String variable with exact string

[Solved] Use jQuery to find and replace multiple words on the page [duplicate]

You may try something like this: var dictionary= { “My Classes”:”My Levels”, “My Class”:”My Level”, “college”:”university” }; $(“body *”).each( function(){ for( var ptrn in dictionary){ $(this).text( $(this).text().replace(new RegExp(ptrn ,”g”), dictionary[ptrn] ) ); } }); solved Use jQuery to find and replace multiple words on the page [duplicate]

[Solved] how to remove [ , ] and single quote in class list in python 3 in single line of code? [closed]

Based on your update on what bid_data contains: Do: int(bid_data[6].split(‘:’)[1].strip()) # returns an integer Explanation: The Python string method strip() removes excess whitespace from both ends of a string (without arguments) Original below: Below is based on using the input you gave, [‘Quantity Required’, ‘ 1’], to get the output of 1 If the input … Read more

[Solved] bash : run sed -i multiple times

Running sed -i on the same file multiple times is a horrible antipattern. Just do all the substitutions in the same sed script. You need to escape many more metacharacters than you currently do. See Escape a string for a sed replace pattern for some details. Probably that’s the reason many of your substitutions don’t … Read more

[Solved] How can I use an array in str_replace() function?

You can do that by passing an array as first argument: $res = str_replace(array(‘ ‘, ‘-‘, ‘,’), ”, $str); You can test it here at phpfiddle.org. str_replace() PHP’s function let you choose if the three parameters will be a single value or an array. 0 solved How can I use an array in str_replace() function?

[Solved] Replace a string in string that is in a List [closed]

Simple. Iterate over all strings inside List and then check if myString contains that or not. If yes, then replace it. foreach (string item in lst) { if (myString.Contains(item)) { myString = myString.Replace(item, string.Format(“$${0}$$”, item)); } } Also you can do same with LINQ: lst.Where(item=> myString.Contains(item)).ToList() .ForEach(item => myString = myString.Replace(item, string.Format(“$${0}$$”, item))); You can … Read more

[Solved] Replace string value in C#? [closed]

You should not redeclare the variable twice but only modify its value: for (int i = 0; i < Model.Items.Count; i++) { string SelectedEvent = “event selected”; if (i > 1) { SelectedEvent = “event”; } // here you can use the SelectedEventVariable // its value will be “event selected” on the first and second … Read more