[Solved] Replace text between two symbol Sing through regex [closed]

Try with below code: String s=”Example$for$string%is%notworking”; s.replaceAll(“[$&+,:;=?@#|'<>.^*()%!-]”, “otherstring”) But in above approach we do not consider many of the special characters like some of DOS smilies like little angle and white smily face So may need to try some thing opposite. which are characters you want to keep. some thing as below , i am … Read more

[Solved] RegEx to allow at least one dot and all character

I’m guessing that here we wish to validate these emails, for which we can use an expression similar to: ^([a-z0-9]+((?=\..+@.+\..+)[a-z0-9.]*@[a-z0-9]*\.[a-z0-9]*))$ with an i flag and we can allow more chars, if we like so. Demo RegEx Circuit jex.im visualizes regular expressions: solved RegEx to allow at least one dot and all character

[Solved] Regular Expression in javascript for ’45 minutes’

This code will help you I guess. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p>Search for 45 minutes in the text in the next paragraph:</p> <p id=”p01″>45 minutes</p> <button onclick=”myFunction()”>Try it</button> <p id=”demo”></p> <script> function myFunction() { text = document.getElementById(“p01”).innerHTML; document.getElementById(“demo”).innerHTML = /[0-9]{2}\sminutes/.exec(text); } </script> </body> </html> Here [0-9]{2} means that allow any number with two digits. \s … Read more

[Solved] Unable to split the string by the dates [duplicate]

This worked for me. string[] split = Regex.Split(“SEND MILK EVERYDAY FOR THIS PERSON FROM 02/10/2014 TO 02/11/2014 SKIP 03/11/2014 AND 09/11/2014″, @”(?<=\b(?:0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])/-[/-]\d{4}\b)\s*(?!\s*$)”); solved Unable to split the string by the dates [duplicate]

[Solved] Numbers only password strength [closed]

The regular expression is: ^((?!(?<ch>.)\k<ch>\k<ch>)(?!012|123|234|345|456|567|678|789|890)[0-9]){8,}$ The (?!(?<ch>.)\k<ch>\k<ch>) will check for the same character repeated thrice. Note that for the various contiguous sequences I had to put them in a list of possible sequences, (?!012|123|234|345|456|567|678|789|890). [0-9] is the character that will be accepted as valid. The {8,} is for the minimum length. 1 solved Numbers only … Read more

[Solved] Ruby Regex – get persons name [closed]

While it’s better to use nokogiri, here is a simple regex: ▶ /(?<=\D)(\d+)\”>([^<]+)<\/a>/ =~ \ ‘<a href=”https://test/builds/browse/user/b234556″>John Doe</a>’ #⇒ 42 ▶ $~ #⇒ ⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓ ⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓ #⇒ #<MatchData “234556\”>John Doe</a>” 1:”234556″ 2:”John Doe”> To get the number and person, use: num, person = /(?<=\D)(\d+)\”>([^<]+)<\/a>/. match(‘<a href=”https://test/builds/browse/user/b234556″>John Doe</a>’). captures #⇒ [“234556”, “John Doe”] 3 solved Ruby Regex – get … Read more

[Solved] Extract breadcrumb from html with regex and remove html tags

Using DomDocument and xpath you can load the entire html and query for the li elements. Then it’s a matter of simply outputting the nodeValue The xpath->query method below will search for all li elements that belong to a parent ul that has a class of breadcrumb Example $html=” <html> <body> <div class=”container”> <ul itemprop=”breadcrumb” … Read more

[Solved] Regex to extract only domain from sub-domains [duplicate]

Just to iterate on Jens’ comment, we have to guess: What is your expected output when additional information appears, e.g. http://therealzenstar.blogspot.fr/somedata.html. Is it still blogspot.fr? Are such examples needed to be adresed? You said you want to replace “everything else” with “”. Replace() will replace everything that is matched with what you want. So, to … Read more

[Solved] How to handle regular expression?

My main question is, are you using C or C++ ? The outcome and the appropriate/expected answer will be given with the right information. As you are talking about C++ also, I will put a sample code to manage this using the library provided in C++ (since C++11 onwards). Be warned than as I am … Read more