[Solved] Deal with extremely large numbers with Python Programming [closed]

There’s nothing that makes recursion inherently more efficient. Moreover, the same algorithm implemented with recursion is likely to be less efficient due to function call overhead. Worse than that, and this is exactly your case, using recursions of large depth is likely to cause stack overflow (no pun intended). Unless tail-recursion optimization is in use, … Read more

[Solved] C++ – Recursive counter [closed]

The problem is this line: cout << karatsuba(123, 456, counter) << ” ” << counter << endl; Try instead cout << karatsuba(123, 456, counter); cout << ” ” << counter << endl; the problem is cout, count is still 0 when it prints. 3 solved C++ – Recursive counter [closed]

[Solved] How recursive function works internally

If I interpreted your question correctly, you’re not really confused about the recursion part, you’re more confused about how the value num gets assigned to num – 1 part. The answer to this is that num is never being reassigned in the first place, at least not in its own lexical scope. What that basically … Read more

[Solved] triangle of square numbers java

Only the second inner loop needs to be adjusted a little bit (changes in bold): for (int k = i; k >= 1; k–) { System.out.printf(” %2d”, k * k); } The first inner loop for indention runs n-i times, so the second inner loop have to do the rest: i..1. And you have to … Read more

[Solved] C++ Recursive rabbit assignment

I think you’ll kick yourself, all you need to do is use the value variable for both cases. int rabbit(int n, int parameter) { int value; for(int i = 0; i < parameter; i++) { cout << ” “; } cout << “Enter rabbit: n = ” << n << endl; if(n <=2) { value … Read more