[Solved] In React with ES6 , constructor(prop) doesn’t raise error. Why?

A constructor is a javascript function. The arguments that it takes are positional arguments. That means the values are determined by their position in the argument list and not by their name. Javascript doesn’t have named parameters. The first parameter of the constructor of React.Component is containing the props that where passed to it on … Read more

[Solved] Make two arrays into json data

Put a as the animal property of call, and b as the mood property of call: call = { animal: A, mood: B }; If the arrays are meant to be of strings, then make sure to put ‘ around each string, like A = [‘cat’, … 0 solved Make two arrays into json data

[Solved] PrivateRouting when Token in Local Storage [TypeScript]

This will go in your index.tsx file: const token = localStorage.getItem(‘token’); const PrivateRoute = ({component, isAuthenticated, …rest}: any) => { const routeComponent = (props: any) => ( isAuthenticated ? React.createElement(component, props) : <Redirect to={{pathname: ‘/login’}}/> ); return <Route {…rest} render={routeComponent}/>; }; And use this in the browser router/switch: <PrivateRoute path=”/panel” isAuthenticated={token} component={PrivateContainer} /> solved PrivateRouting … Read more

[Solved] TypeError: this.state.robots.filter is not a function?

You have to use .json() not json. class App extends React.Component { constructor() { super() this.state = { robots: [], searchfield: ” } } componentDidMount() { fetch(‘https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users’) .then(response => { return response.json(); }) .then((users) => { this.setState({robots: users}); }) } onSearchChange = (event) => { this.setState({searchfield: event.target.value}); } render() { const filteredRobots = this.state.robots.filter(robot => … Read more

[Solved] How can I POST data using API from REACTJS?

It depends on what object does onVote event from Poll component pass. But if it’s vote object, that’s required in postPoll method as second arguement, than: function in onVote event should pass poll.id from this component and vote object from Vote component onVote event itself: onVote={(vote) => handalchange(poll.id, vote)} handalchange should fire postPoll api method … Read more

[Solved] Access inner Object and form Jsx

const set1 = { men: {value: ‘men’,label: ‘Men’,type: ‘select’, options: [ { 1: { label: ‘boy’, value_string: ‘1’ } }, { 2: { label: ‘Guy’, value_string: ‘2’ } }, ], }, women: {value: ‘women’,label: ‘Women’,type: ‘select’, options: [ { 1: { label: ‘lady’, value_string: ‘1’ } }, { 2: { label: ‘girl’, value_string: ‘2’ } … Read more

[Solved] Where did I make the mistake of changing my search filter? And how to fix it?

An example value of x[“planeTypeID.code”] is “B734”, of state.day “23-08-2019” => those are 2 different fields => you will get an empty array when you filter by x[“planeTypeID.code”].includes(state.day) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ After debugging via comments, the most likely solution is: x[“planeTypeID.code”].toLowerCase().includes(action.search || state.search) I recommend to Get Started with Debugging JavaScript as a generic first step to … Read more

[Solved] React – interview exercise

I know an answer has been accepted, but it doesn’t actually satisfy the requirements fully, i.e. Each callback should take a single, integer value as a parameter which is the amount to increment the counter’s existing value by. The accepted answer takes the event object as a parameter which is not the specified requirement. The … Read more