[Solved] How can I get this text layout algorithm to properly scale the text to “font size” option (text made with SVG paths)? [closed]

Introduction When it comes to creating text with SVG paths, it can be difficult to get the text to properly scale to the desired font size. Fortunately, there are a few algorithms that can help you achieve the desired text layout. In this article, we will discuss how to use these algorithms to properly scale … Read more

[Solved] Highlight image regions on hover with CSS

They use sprite image look here. Basically, it works like that: The map with dark-blue regions is completely static. There is invisible layer on top of it made from small rectangular in their case <a> — each corresponds to single dark-blue region and posses its its own id. When cursor is placed over a rectangular … Read more

[Solved] I want 3 toolbars floating on each side and bottom of the screen and SVG should take rest of the space. How to model this?

In your CSS you could try using “calc()”. As an example: .my-svg-container { height: calc(100vh – 50px – 40px); width: calc(100vw – 20px – 10px); } Where: Top bar = 50px, Bottom bar = 40px, Left bar = 20px, and Right bar = 10px Should note that this method will only work if you know … Read more

[Solved] how to insert a svg tag inside a inner g tag

In your source code there are two main problems: You use the same id value many times. According to HTML documentation the id is used as unique identificator for an element. You are “attaching” the circle to <svg> and not to <g> tag with the svg.appendChild(shape); You can do something similar to: var svgElem = … Read more

[Solved] CSS how to align different size images with text inside row?

here is a solution: Replace images by your images. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> * { box-sizing: border-box; } .column { float: left; width: 25%; padding: 5px; } /* Clearfix (clear floats) */ .row::after { content: “”; clear: both; display: table; } </style> </head> <body> <div class=”row”> <div class=”column”> <img src=”https://freesvg.org/img/cartoonsun.png” alt=”Snow” style=”width:100%”> <p style=”text-align: … Read more

[Solved] Curved/Slanted Line CSS or SVG [closed]

At least with SVG this is rather easy to achieve using a <path> and some curve commands: <svg viewBox=”0 0 100 30″> <path d=”M 0,0 100,0 100,30 Q 100,15 50,15 Q 0,15 0,0 Z” style=”fill: steelblue;” /> </svg> solved Curved/Slanted Line CSS or SVG [closed]

[Solved] Rendering SVG into HTML element

Create a div in your html, set an id for it, get the element created by ID, append the child content into the new div. var chatInProgressText = “<svg id=’Layer_4′ data-name=”Layer 4″ xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2000/svg” viewBox=’0 0 30 30′>\n <defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#474747;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}</style></defs>\n <title>chat-live-icon</title>\n <path class=”cls-1″ d=’M15.08,0C6.76,0,0,5.17,0,11.51,0,17.14,5.42,22,12.65,22.88L11.77,27a1.16,1.16,0,0,0,.43,1,1.14,1.14,0,0,0,.71.24,1.3,1.3,0,0,0,.35,0l.1,0c1.86-.76,4.91-4.15,6.2-5.65,6.35-1.5,10.6-5.91,10.6-11C30.15,5.17,23.39,0,15.08,0Z’/><path class=”cls-2″ d=’M19.08,20.85a1.44,1.44,0,0,0-.78.47,37.25,37.25,0,0,1-4.53,4.56L14.4,23a1.48,1.48,0,0,0-.24-1.18,1.5,1.5,0,0,0-1.05-.61c-6.48-.71-11.37-4.87-11.37-9.68,0-5.4,6-9.79,13.35-9.79s13.35,4.39,13.35,9.79C28.43,15.81,24.67,19.56,19.08,20.85Z’/><circle class=”cls-1″ cx=’8.14′ cy=’11.79′ r=”2″/><circle class=”cls-1″ cx=’15.14′ cy=’11.79′ r=”2″/><circle class=”cls-1″ cx=’22.14′ cy=’11.79′ … Read more

[Solved] How to add page links to svg circle?

Welcome to StackOverflow. You can just wrap your circles with a-tags, like you would do with most of the other elements in a html-document. <svg viewBox=”0 0 300 100″> <a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/link1″> <circle cx=”50″ cy=”50″ r=”25″/> </a> <a href=”http://stackoverflow.com/link2″> <circle cx=”125″ cy=”50″ r=”25″/> </a> <a href=”http://stackoverflow.com/link3″> <circle cx=”200″ cy=”50″ r=”25″/> </a> </svg> Notice: For future posts, … Read more

[Solved] Can this design be made with just CSS? [closed]

The way you do this is using SVG filters: SVG goo on Codepen Also you may like to read this The Gooey Effect The most important is defining a goo filter. Next you draw several circles (border-radius:50%;) and you apply the svg filter. The size of the SVG element is irrelevant and you may hide … Read more

[Solved] Make circle on same image [closed]

Html image maps may be the fitting tool. Conceptually the image is superimposed with a set of suitably defined shapes. Each of these shapes (which – assuming a bitmapped image – may be of arbitrary nature) can be associated with a link and an alt text. In the given case, the shapes would be the … Read more

[Solved] CSS and creating border of svg figure

You can’t change the colours of an SVG that’s included via <img> or background-image. You’ll need to include it inline in your page. You can then change the colours using the fill and stroke properties. .square { fill: red; stroke: blue; stroke-width: 4; } <div> <p>Hello world</p> <svg> <rect class=”square” x=”5″ y=”5″ width=”100″ height=”100″/> </svg> … Read more

[Solved] SVG Path animation with Jquery

Here’s how to do this without using jQuery: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <svg viewBox=”0 0 480 360″ xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2000/svg” xmlns:xlink=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink”> <title>Animates a path</title> <path id=”arc” d=”M0 0″/> <script> var circle = document.getElementById(“arc”), startangle = -90, angle = startangle, radius = 100, cx = 240, cy = 180, increment = 5; // make this negative to animate counter-clockwise … Read more

[Solved] SVG Path animation with Jquery

Introduction SVG Path animation with Jquery is a powerful tool for creating dynamic and interactive animations on webpages. It allows developers to create complex animations with minimal code. This tutorial will provide an overview of how to use Jquery to animate SVG Paths. We will cover the basics of SVG Paths, how to create them, … Read more

[Solved] Is it possible to render SVG radial gradients with gradientTransforms in userSpaceOnUse coordinates using the current MDN canvas 2D API functions?

Is it possible to render SVG radial gradients with gradientTransforms in userSpaceOnUse coordinates using the current MDN canvas 2D API functions? solved Is it possible to render SVG radial gradients with gradientTransforms in userSpaceOnUse coordinates using the current MDN canvas 2D API functions?