[Solved] C++ cannot instantiate abstract class

getPosition is non-const in the interface class, but const in your derived class. These are two different functions and cause your problem. Adding the override keyword in the implementation class (if your compiler supports it) will flag this sort of problem. 0 solved C++ cannot instantiate abstract class

[Solved] For a concurrent download handler does this create a race condition?

As you can tell from some of the comments, multithreaded code is serious business. It’s best to follow a proven pattern, e.g. producer-consumer, or at least use an established synchronization primitive like a monitor or semaphore. Because I might be wrong. It is easy to go over code that you came up with yourself and … Read more

[Solved] Null Pointer Exception, Cant figure out why? [closed]

I did not understand how the output you showed has one of the numbers multiplied by 100 in each element of String array. Based on my understanding of your question here is a solution. import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.IntStream; public class Shifts { public static void main(String[] args) { LinkedList<Integer> … Read more

[Solved] Java Generics Question

That ‘terminated’ you have been seeing lately is the expected behavior when your program finishes. Put some System.outs or asserts to verify that your code runs (here it runs, with some awful cast warnings, but runs) final Queue12<T> ringBuffer = new QueueImpl12<T>(); T o = (T) new String(“this”); ringBuffer.enqueue(o); //add element to the back System.out.println(ringBuffer.peek());//this … Read more

[Solved] Node structure in C# with a Query [closed]

using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; public class PathTest : MonoBehaviour { public Node start; public Node end; public float threshold; private List<Node> myPath; private int currentNode; // Use this for initialization void Start () { Debug.Log (“********************************* DEPTHWISE”); List<Node> path = Pathfinding.DepthwiseSearch (start, end); for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++) { … Read more