[Solved] What is the simplest way to setup a basic logger in python?

Ok, I just made a basic logging configuration module: import logging from logging import info, warning, debug, error logging.basicConfig(format=”%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s”, level=logging.INFO) That’s not much, but now you can just: import basic_logging as log log.info(“hello”) Which outputs useful information by default. This is as simple as it gets, but it uses a real logger, which … Read more

[Solved] Find a specific word from a list in python

First off, do not use the name list for assignment to your objects, you’ll shadow the builtin list type. Then, you can use a list comprehension with str.startswith in a filter: new_lst = [x for x in lst if x.startswith(‘backend’)] 0 solved Find a specific word from a list in python

[Solved] how does python assignment(=) operator work

In Python, evaluation is in reverse order. Therefore this: node = node.next = ListNode(10) is the same as this: node = ListNode(10) node.next = node So, you have to reverse order of elements before last assignment: node.next = node = ListNode(10) # same as: node.next = ListNode(10) node = node.next 4 solved how does python … Read more

[Solved] Columns and rows concatenation with a commun value in another column

You can use groupby and join to create the expected output. One way is to create a column to_join from the columns Tri_gram_sents and Value, and then agg this column: df[‘to_join’] = df[‘Tri_gram_sents’] + ‘ ‘ + df[‘Value’].astype(str) ser_output = df.groupby(‘sentence’)[‘to_join’].agg(‘ ‘.join) Or you can do everything in one line without create the column with … Read more

[Solved] Python: max & min functions

As per the ASCII table Capital letters points to decimal 65 to 90 (65-90 → A-Z ) Small letters points to decimal 97-122 (97-122 → a-z) so, max value = o (decimal 111) min value = W (decimal 87) ASCII table for your reference 1 solved Python: max & min functions

[Solved] scrape the about page of websites with Python [closed]

Depending on how redundant is the structure of the data you want to extract, you could use several tools. If you’re looking for extracting data always stored in the same DOM structure, Scrapy could do the job. If the data is sparse and is stored in various places, maybe BeautfulSoup4 or lxml could help you. … Read more

[Solved] What is the correct regex for this exercise in python? [closed]

Your current regex doesn’t work because it tries to look for ^[A-Z]+[a-z]+[\s]+[a-z]+[\.!\?]$: https://regex101.com/r/b96zXT/2 ^[A-Z]+: One or more capital letters at the start of the string [a-z]+: One or more small letters after the capital letters [\s]+: One or more whitespaces after the small letters [a-z]+: One or more small letters after the spaces [\.!\?]+$: One … Read more

[Solved] Change character based off of its position? Python 2.7

With the help of Mark Tolonen in this post, I was able to come up with a solution. The following example only uses 4 dictionaries, while i intend to do more: # Input String string = “ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt” # Defining dictionarys for 0-4 dicnums = [{“0″:”n”,”1″:”Q”,”2″:”k”,”3″:”W”,”4″:”F”,”5″:”g”,”6″:”9″,”7″:”e”,”8″:”v”,”9″:”3″,”a”:”r”,”b”:”T”,”c”:”c”,”d”:”o”,”e”:”b”,”f”:”y”,”g”:”2″,”h”:”A”,”i”:”i”,”j”:”p”,”k”:”1″,”l”:”P”,”m”:”w”,”n”:”x”,”o”:”s”,”p”:”Y”,”q”:”h”,”r”:”G”,”s”:”7″,”t”:”S”,”u”:”6″,”v”:”K”,”w”:”Z”,”x”:”M”,”y”:”C”,”z”:”J”,”A”:”u”,”B”:”f”,”C”:”j”,”D”:”E”,”E”:”a”,”F”:”H”,”G”:”O”,”H”:”N”,”I”:”l”,”J”:”U”,”K”:”I”,”L”:”V”,”M”:”m”,”N”:”5″,”O”:”R”,”P”:”4″,”Q”:”z”,”R”:”L”,”S”:”0″,”T”:”q”,”U”:”D”,”V”:”8″,”W”:”B”,”X”:”X”,”Y”:”d”,”Z”:”t”}, {“0″:”q”,”1″:”6″,”2″:”W”,”3″:”4″,”4″:”J”,”5″:”u”,”6″:”n”,”7″:”T”,”8″:”I”,”9″:”O”,”a”:”V”,”b”:”3″,”c”:”Z”,”d”:”s”,”e”:”R”,”f”:”E”,”g”:”G”,”h”:”P”,”i”:”5″,”j”:”l”,”k”:”e”,”l”:”m”,”m”:”F”,”n”:”t”,”o”:”8″,”p”:”K”,”q”:”L”,”r”:”Y”,”s”:”M”,”t”:”D”,”u”:”j”,”v”:”z”,”w”:”H”,”x”:”g”,”y”:”9″,”z”:”f”,”A”:”0″,”B”:”p”,”C”:”o”,”D”:”d”,”E”:”X”,”F”:”S”,”G”:”k”,”H”:”1″,”I”:”Q”,”J”:”C”,”K”:”U”,”L”:”i”,”M”:”r”,”N”:”w”,”O”:”y”,”P”:”B”,”Q”:”2″,”R”:”x”,”S”:”A”,”T”:”c”,”U”:”7″,”V”:”h”,”W”:”v”,”X”:”N”,”Y”:”b”,”Z”:”a”}, {“0″:”x”,”1″:”W”,”2″:”q”,”3″:”B”,”4″:”j”,”5″:”I”,”6″:”E”,”7″:”g”,”8″:”U”,”9″:”e”,”a”:”8″,”b”:”3″,”c”:”5″,”d”:”k”,”e”:”9″,”f”:”N”,”g”:”7″,”h”:”Q”,”i”:”t”,”j”:”r”,”k”:”L”,”l”:”Z”,”m”:”b”,”n”:”n”,”o”:”Y”,”p”:”H”,”q”:”R”,”r”:”6″,”s”:”P”,”t”:”1″,”u”:”S”,”v”:”M”,”w”:”p”,”x”:”l”,”y”:”F”,”z”:”2″,”A”:”c”,”B”:”T”,”C”:”G”,”D”:”h”,”E”:”X”,”F”:”v”,”G”:”s”,”H”:”O”,”I”:”D”,”J”:”4″,”K”:”a”,”L”:”A”,”M”:”m”,”N”:”d”,”O”:”C”,”P”:”f”,”Q”:”V”,”R”:”i”,”S”:”o”,”T”:”u”,”U”:”w”,”V”:”0″,”W”:”K”,”X”:”z”,”Y”:”y”,”Z”:”J”}, {“0″:”x”,”1″:”W”,”2″:”q”,”3″:”B”,”4″:”j”,”5″:”I”,”6″:”E”,”7″:”g”,”8″:”U”,”9″:”e”,”a”:”8″,”b”:”3″,”c”:”5″,”d”:”k”,”e”:”9″,”f”:”N”,”g”:”7″,”h”:”Q”,”i”:”t”,”j”:”r”,”k”:”L”,”l”:”H”,”m”:”b”,”n”:”n”,”o”:”Y”,”p”:”Z”,”q”:”R”,”r”:”6″,”s”:”P”,”t”:”1″,”u”:”S”,”v”:”M”,”w”:”p”,”x”:”l”,”y”:”F”,”z”:”2″,”A”:”c”,”B”:”T”,”C”:”G”,”D”:”h”,”E”:”X”,”F”:”v”,”G”:”s”,”H”:”O”,”I”:”D”,”J”:”4″,”K”:”a”,”L”:”A”,”M”:”m”,”N”:”d”,”O”:”C”,”P”:”f”,”Q”:”V”,”R”:”i”,”S”:”o”,”T”:”u”,”U”:”w”,”V”:”0″,”W”:”K”,”X”:”z”,”Y”:”y”,”Z”:”J”}] # Changing my string characters string_fin = … Read more

[Solved] My code isn’t executing [closed]

The code does not require explanation. def getNegativesList(postivesAndNegativeslist): if postivesAndNegativeslist is None: return None elif len(postivesAndNegativeslist) == 0: return None negativesList = [] for val in postivesAndNegativeslist: if val<0: negativesList.append(val) return negativesList print(getNegativesList([2,-3,-5,10,-1])) 6 solved My code isn’t executing [closed]