[Solved] What is the purpose of “!” in this code from “Point in Polygon Test”? [closed]

Introduction The purpose of the exclamation mark (!) in the code from the Point in Polygon Test is to indicate a logical NOT operation. This operation is used to reverse the result of a comparison or a boolean expression. In this particular code, the exclamation mark is used to check if a point is not … Read more

[Solved] OR and AND operator confusion in Javascript [closed]

If it helps you to understand, you can rewrite it from AND to OR: while (command != “quit” && command != “q”) { // do job } is equivalent to while (!(command === “quit” || command === “q”)) { // do job } https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Morgan%27s_laws 5 solved OR and AND operator confusion in Javascript [closed]

[Solved] Calc many value with many arithmetic operators c++ [closed]

Writing a calculator is not an easy task, as there is more involved: Operator Precedence Grouping Evaluating of expressions Operator Precedence Operator precedence is the grouping of operations, such as performing all multiplication and division before addition and subtraction. A calculator program should handle precedence without parenthesis (grouping). Grouping A more advanced calculator will allow … Read more

[Solved] How to understand [], (), compound literal operator, . and -> are postfix operators?

The language specification defines the syntax, and doesn’t care what you call the parts that make up the language. In abc->def, the first operand is abc, and -> is the operator and def is the second operand, but it is restricted to an identifier is the name of a member of the structure or union … Read more

[Solved] If statement continuing when false (multiple || and &&)

Solution: I put all of the conditional statements inside of if (!allCorrect[i]) so it looks like this if (!allCorrect[i]) { if (int.TryParse(parameters[i], out INT)) { if (_command.ParameterTypes[i] == EVariableType.INT) { allCorrect[i] = true; } else { allCorrect[i] = false; } } } if (!allCorrect[i]) { if (float.TryParse(parameters[i], out FLOAT)) { if (_command.ParameterTypes[i] == EVariableType.FLOAT) { … Read more

[Solved] remainder (%) operator c#

Check Output you can understand every steps and what’s happening in every step using System; class MainClass { public static void Main (string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(“Please enter a number: “); int number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); int sum = 0; while (number> 0) { Console.WriteLine(“Steps”); Console.WriteLine(“————–“); Console.WriteLine(“Digits: “+ (number % 10)); sum = sum + (number % … Read more

[Solved] % operator not working with integer variables

I’m only writing this because the other answers are dangerously wrong. Here is a simple, slow and fool-proof solution: #include <iostream> #include<cmath> int getDigit(int num, int index) { // first shift index -1 digits to the right to position the indexth digit while(–index) { num /= 10; } // now strip off everything after the … Read more

[Solved] is a mathematical operator classed as an interger in python

You can’t just concatenate an operator to a couple of numbers and expect it to be evaluated. You could use eval to evaluate the final string. answer = eval(str(randomnumberforq) + operator[randomoperator] + str(randomnumberforq)) A better way to accomplish what you’re attempting is to use the functions found in the operator module. By assigning the functions … Read more

[Solved] Golang operator &^ working detail

It’s mentioned in Spec: Arithmetic operators: &^ bit clear (AND NOT) So it computes the AND connection of the first operand and the negated value of the second operand. Its name “bit clear” comes from what it does. Examined using it on two 1-bit value: if the second operand is 1, it means to “clear”: … Read more

[Solved] =- operator in java

— is a “decrement” operator in Java and many other languages. The reason the compiler doesn’t treat it as two – operators is that there’s a basic rule that the compiler will look for the longest sequence of consecutive characters that forms one of its “separators” or “operators”, as defined here. (> characters are handled … Read more