[Solved] Evaluating C binary operations

k=25; ++k; k++; k|7&12; After the first 3 lines, k is 27. In the fourth expression, the bitwise AND operator & has higher precedence than the bitwise OR operator |, so it is equivalent to 27|(7&12); Converting the values to binary gives us 11011|(00111&01100); The inner part evaluates to 00100, then 11011|00100 evaluates to 11111, … Read more

[Solved] Golang operator &^ working detail

It’s mentioned in Spec: Arithmetic operators: &^ bit clear (AND NOT) So it computes the AND connection of the first operand and the negated value of the second operand. Its name “bit clear” comes from what it does. Examined using it on two 1-bit value: if the second operand is 1, it means to “clear”: … Read more

[Solved] In Python can we use bitwise operators on data structures such as lists, tuples, sets, dictionaries? And if so, why?

Those aren’t bitwise operators per se. They’re operators, and each type can define for itself what it will do with them. The & and | operators map to the __and__ and __or__ methods of an object respectively. Sets define operations for these (intersection and union respectively), while lists do not. Lists define an operation for … Read more