[Solved] How to loop in javascript?

As @Robby Cornelissen has said, you are wrapping your array in another array, which is unnecessary and breaking your code. Your for loop only iterates over a single element in the outer array. Also, it is strange for an API response to have a JSON string embedded as a string value within a JSON’s property. … Read more

[Solved] For Loop executed every 5 minutes for 24 hours

Something like this? The loop runs for (a little more than) twenty-four hours and sleeps for five minutes after each iteration. from time import sleep, time ONE_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 # seconds FIVE_MINUTES = 5 * 60 # seconds start_time = time() current_time = start_time while current_time <= start_time + ONE_DAY – … Read more

[Solved] R: create seat number using seat from, seat to, n.tickets [duplicate]

Using base R you can do something like this do.call(“rbind”, lapply(split(dd, 1:nrow(dd)), function(x) { data.frame(dd[1:3], seat=dd[1,4]:dd[1,5], dd[6:7]) })) tested with dd <- read.csv(text=”event , section , row, seat from , seat to, price, n.tickets 1, A, 10, 6, 8, 120, 3″) Here we split up the data.frame by rows, then create a new data.frame by … Read more

[Solved] How can I implement loop in this program?

Here is how you can use a loop to get input, and append the burger prices to a list: burgerPrices = [] for n in range(3): burgerPrice = int(input()) burgerPrices.append(burgerPrice) cokePrice = int(input()) spritePrice = int(input()) current = [burgerPrice+cokePrice for burgerPrice in burgerPrices]+\ [burgerPrice+spritePrice for burgerPrice in burgerPrices] print(min(current) – 50) Or even better, a … Read more

[Solved] How can I draw a diagonal line with Console.SetCursorPosition c#?

You need to set a CursorPosition to a given location, then need to draw a horizontal line. Like, public static void LineHorizontale(int x, int y, int length) { //This will set your cursor position on x and y Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y); //This will draw ‘-‘ n times here n is length Console.WriteLine(new String(‘-‘, length)); } if … Read more

[Solved] How the array work in c?

Please note, the third for loop is nested inside the second loop. So, for each value of j in the other loop body like 0, 1, 2, the inner loop will execute for each time. If you’re bothered that after the first loop, j will be 10, then don’t worry, the statement-1 in the second … Read more

[Solved] jquery how to count divs in row with different class [closed]

Try this: <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $(‘tr’).each(function(){ $(‘td’,$(this)).each(function(ind) { $(this).addClass(‘something’ + ind); }); }); }); </script> This way you first select all TRs (in all tables on the page, if you want to do it only in a specific table, add an id or class to that table) then using the each function select all TDs in … Read more