[Solved] How to parse or loop this [closed]

var arr = [{“code”:1000,”day”:”Sunny”,”night”:”Clear”,”icon”:113,”languages”: [{“lang_name”:”Arabic”,”lang_iso”:”ar”,”day_text”:”مشمس”,”night_text”:”صافي”}] }] arr.forEach(function(obj){ //loop array obj.languages.forEach(function(language) { //loop languages console.log(language); //language object console.log(language.lang_name); //language property }); }); 1 solved How to parse or loop this [closed]

[Solved] Append an Auto-Incremented number to the end of a file?

The answers that others have put forwards helped me to create a program that every time the .py file is called it counts the number of files in the sub-directory and adds it to a file name and creates the file The Code I Used: path, dirs, files = next(os.walk(“C:/xampp/htdocs/addfiles/text/”)) file_count = len(files) save_path=”C:/xampp/htdocs/addfiles/text/” name_of_file=”text” … Read more

[Solved] Loop over NA values in subsequent rows in R [closed]

reproducible data which YOU should provide: df <- mtcars df[c(1,5,8),1] <-NA code: IND <- is.na(df[,1]) df[IND,1] <- df[dplyr::lag(IND,1L, F),1] * 3 since you use lag I use lag. You are saying “previous”. So maybe you want to use lead. What happens if the first value in lead case or last value in lag case is … Read more

[Solved] How to end while loop in Java

You don’t change the value of a (which is true by default) to false, you just call a method that will return false but nothing is set to this returned value. Change your code to this: package files; public class EndLoopWithBooleanMethod { static boolean a = true; public static void main(String[] args){ while(a) { //This … Read more

[Solved] Python: How to store for loop result in a list? [duplicate]

Well the loop seems to be this one (at the end of the code): for i,j in itertools.combinations([a,b,c],2): all_diffs=alldiffs(i,j) total=count_total(i,j) zero=count_zero(all_diffs) total=np.array(total) union=map(sub,total,zero) zero=np.array(zero).tolist() union=np.array(union).tolist() union=[list(x) for x in union] sim=[[float(aaa) / bbb for (aaa, bbb) in itertools.izip(aa, bb)] \ for (aa, bb) in itertools.izip(zero, union)] sim_comb=sum(sim,[]) sum_of_sim=sum(sim_comb) number_sum=len(sim_comb) ave=sum_of_sim/number_sum one_ave=1-ave print one_ave One possible … Read more

[Solved] I have to print a series using for loop

The following block should generate the series as you described it. int numberOfLines = 4; int numberOfDigitsPerLine = 5; for (int i=1; i<numberOfLines+1; i++){ for(int j=1; j<=numberOfDigitsPerLine; j++) { if(j>=i) { System.out.print(j); } else { System.out.print(i); } } System.out.println(); } Change numberOfLines and numberOfDigitsPerLine as necessary. Elaboration: First you must analyze the series, by the … Read more