[Solved] Join 2 elements of a list [closed]

To combine two items of two lists as string you need to iterate through both lists at the same time and concatenate the two items as strings. list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] list2 = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’] list3 = [str(x) + str(y) for x, y in zip(list1, list2)] print(list3) the output will be: … Read more

[Solved] How to perform this printing in for loop?

Use zip and slices >>> for i,j in zip(en[::2],en[1::2]): … print(“{}{}”.format(i,j)) … 12 34 56 As Steven Rumbalski mentions in a comment you can also do >>> it = iter(en) >>> for i,j in zip(it, it): … print i,j … 1 2 3 4 5 6 it here is an iterator over the list. Hence … Read more

[Solved] prolog change show answer to print into list

When describing a list, always consider using DCGs. In your case, you can very easily obtain what you want with a few simple modifications to your code: show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol, List) :- phrase(show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol,1), List). show_result(_,MaxRow,_,Row) –> { Row > MaxRow }, !. show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol,Row) –> { phrase(show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol,Row,1), Line) } , [Line], { Row1 is Row+1 }, show_result(Squares,MaxRow,MaxCol,Row1). show_result(_,_,MaxCol,_,Col) … Read more

[Solved] Split string on capital letter and a capital letter followed by a lowercase letter [closed]

I’m trying to give an answer that will help you understanding the problem and work on the solution. You have a string with capital letters and at some point there is a small letter. You want the string to be split at the position before the first small letter. You can iterate through the string … Read more

[Solved] Assorting linked list in c [duplicate]

Simplest will be bubble sort. item* sort(item *start){ item *node1,*node2; int temp; for(node1 = start; node1!=NULL;node1=node1->next){ for(node2 = start; node2!=NULL;node2=node2->next){ if(node2->draw_number > node1->draw_number){ temp = node1->draw_number; node1->draw_number = node2->draw_number; node2->draw_number = temp; } } } return start; } 1 solved Assorting linked list in c [duplicate]

[Solved] To check whether my list fulfils the parameters set out in nested loop in scala function

You can use pattern matching to determine which type of Array you’re dealing with. def arrTest[A](a :Array[A]) :Boolean = a match { case sa :Array[String] => sa.length < 2 || sa.sliding(2).forall(x => x(0) < x(1)) case ia :Array[Int] => ia.length > 2 && ia(0) == 1 && ia(1) == 1 && ia.sliding(3).forall(x => x(0) + … Read more

[Solved] Remove empty properties from object in list in C#

You cannot achieve this if you want to stay with your custom type. Reason is that if you define a type with some properties then when initializing that type the properties are there, whether you assign to them a value or not. However using anonymous types and dynamic you can: var result = data.Select(item => … Read more

[Solved] Checking for elements in list

The Main approach for checking elements of a list in a string is : s=””‘<a href=”https://ertfwetwer” target=”_blank”>[Nerve Center]</a>”’ my_list=[‘href’,’a’] def checker(mylist, my_string) new = list() for i in mylist: if i in my_string: # if elements is in string (you can check only special elements ) print i ,’is in string’ new.append(i) #storing result to … Read more

[Solved] different between append list to array python [closed]

They only reason to use method two is because you want to create a copy of arr2. Changes to the copy would not affect the original. Python 3.6.8 (default, Feb 14 2019, 22:09:48) [GCC 7.4.0] on cygwin Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information. >>> arr1 = [] >>> arr2 = [1,2,3,4,5] >>> … Read more

[Solved] Python List parsing (incude int, str)

This is the way to go: x = [‘2’, ‘3/4’, ‘+’, ‘4’, ‘3/5’] g = [] for i in x: try: g.append(int(i)) except ValueError: pass print(g) # [2, 4] What you tried is not a try-except block. It is an if statement which failed because ‘4’ is not an int instance (4 is, notice the … Read more