[Solved] Why does indexing into a list with list[n] instead of list[[n]] in R not do what you would expect? [duplicate]

Because in general l[n] returns a sublist (possibly of length one), whereas l[[n]] returns an element: > lfile[2] [[1]] [1] “file2.xls” # returns SUBLIST of length one, not n’th ELEMENT > lfile[[2]] [1] “file2.xls” # returns ELEMENT From R intro manual: 6.1 Lists: It is very important to distinguish Lst[[1]] from Lst[1]. ‘[[…]]’ is the … Read more

[Solved] merge list of nested list to a single list which has lakhs of data python [duplicate]

from itertools import chain l = [[‘password’, ‘_rev’, ‘_id’, ‘username’], [‘password’, ‘_rev’, ‘_id’, ‘username’, ‘name’], [‘password’, ‘_rev’, ‘_id’, ‘username’],[‘password’, ‘_rev’, ‘_id’, ‘username’,’country’]] list(set(chain(*l))) Output – [‘username’, ‘_rev’, ‘_id’, ‘name’, ‘password’, ‘country’] solved merge list of nested list to a single list which has lakhs of data python [duplicate]

[Solved] ArrayList for handeling many Objects?

If you have constant pool of Excersises, and you only need to access them by index, then you can use array instead: Excersise[] excersises = new Excersise[EXCERSIZE_SIZE]; //fill excersises //use excersises workout.add(excersises[index]); ArrayList is designed to have fast access to element by index, and it is using array underneath, but it has range check inside … Read more

[Solved] Python comparing elements in two lists

Now that you’ve fixed the original problem, and fixed the next problem with doing the check backward, and renamed all of your variables, you have this: for match in dictionary: if any(match in value for value in sentences): print match And your problem with it is: The way I have the code written i can … Read more

[Solved] I have a segmentation fault and am unsure about what is wrong with my code

The problem is obvious now you’ve said on which line the code crashes. Consider these lines… char *word = NULL; int i = 0; //index FILE *dictionaryTextFile; dictionaryTextFile = fopen(dictionary, “r”); //scan for word while(fscanf(dictionaryTextFile, “%s”, word) != EOF) You’ve got 2 problems there. Firstly, you don’t check that the call to fopen worked. You … Read more

[Solved] Find starting and ending indices of list chunks satisfying given condition

How about using some flags to track where you are in the checking process and some variables to hold historical info? This is not super elegant code but it is fairly simple to understand I think and fairly robust for the use case you gave. My code cross = [7,5,8,0,0,0,0,2,5,8,0,0,0,0,8,7,9,3,0,0,0,3,2,1,4,5,0,0,0,7,5] foundstart = False foundend = … Read more