[Solved] Show JSON in tableview IOS Xcode [closed]

try this convert the response json into NSDictionary NSDictionary *receivedDataDic = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:operation.responseObject options:kNilOptions error:&error]; now access the values which you want by using key names , like NSString * id = [receivedDataDic valueForKey:@”id”]; NSString * name = [receivedDataDic valueForKey:@”name”]; use those variables where you want make these changes in your code @interface ViewController () … Read more

[Solved] Pandas: get json from data frame

You can use: #convert int xolum to string df[‘member_id’] = df.member_id.astype(str) #reshaping and convert to months period df.set_index(‘member_id’, inplace=True) df = df.unstack().reset_index(name=”val”).rename(columns={‘level_0′:’date’}) df[‘date’] = pd.to_datetime(df.date).dt.to_period(‘m’).dt.strftime(‘%Y-%m’) #groupby by date and member_id and aggregate sum df = df.groupby([‘date’,’member_id’])[‘val’].sum() #convert all values !=0 to 1 df = (df != 0).astype(int).reset_index() #working in pandas 0.18.1 d = df.groupby(‘member_id’)[‘date’, ‘val’].apply(lambda … Read more

[Solved] send jsonobject to server but php can not covert json object to array

It could be due to the encoding. Try using utf8_decode(). $jsonString = ‘{“type”: “get_new_products”,”city”: “abhar”,”page”: 0}’; $decodedJson = utf8_decode($jsonString); // Second parameter must be true to output an array $jsonArray = json_decode($decodedJson, true); // Error handling if (json_last_error()) { switch (json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_NONE: echo ‘No errors’; break; case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: echo ‘Maximum stack depth exceeded’; … Read more

[Solved] Make two arrays into json data

Put a as the animal property of call, and b as the mood property of call: call = { animal: A, mood: B }; If the arrays are meant to be of strings, then make sure to put ‘ around each string, like A = [‘cat’, … 0 solved Make two arrays into json data

[Solved] I get an Swift Decoding error: parsing JSON, found an Array expected a Dictionary? [duplicate]

Your json seems to be an array of Items, and not an object with a property named todoitems, so do this instead: let decodedData = try decoder.decode([Items].self, from: todoData) fetchedTitle = decodedData[1].title Your ToDoData struct can’t be used in this scenario, since your json doesn’t contain a property named todoitems. 0 solved I get an … Read more

[Solved] How to get specific value in dictionary python?

If you mean that you have several fields like 98 but they all contain a title, you could do this: titles = list() for k in my_dict[“countries”].keys(): if my_dict[“countries”][k].has_key(“title”): titles.append(my_dict[“countries”][k][“title”]) or, as suggested in the comments try: titles = [item[‘title’] for item in dictName[‘countries’]] except KeyError: print(“no countries/title”) solved How to get specific value in … Read more

[Solved] How to read a JSON file in Javascript [closed]

JSON refers to JavaScript Object Notation, which is a data interchange format. Your JSON is not properly formatted. A proper JSON object would look something like [{“count”: 1, “timestamp”: 1257033601, “from”: “theybf.com”, “to”: “w.sharethis.com”},{“count”: 1, “timestamp”: 1257033601, “from”: “”, “to”: “agohq.org”}] You can get the JSON from desired URL using $.getJSON(), like $.getJSON( “Yoururl”, function( … Read more

[Solved] How to search for a value in Object which contains sub objects with as array values

You can try this- const obj = { “India” : { “Karnataka” : [“Bangalore”, “Mysore”], “Maharashtra” : [“Mumbai”, “Pune”] }, “USA” : { “Texas” : [“Dallas”, “Houston”], “IL” : [“Chicago”, “Aurora”, “Pune”] } }; const search = (obj, keyword) => { return Object.values(obj).reduce((acc, curr) => { Object.entries(curr).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (value.indexOf(keyword) > -1) { … Read more

[Solved] How to create multiple object using single object in JavaScript? [closed]

You could use the Object.keys() methods to iterate over your object and then use the Array.map() method to transform your object to the array structure you need. var data = { “0”: “value1”, “1”: “value2” } var newData = Object.keys(data).map(key => ({ [key]: data[key] })) console.log(newData) –Update– You would simply need to change the object … Read more

[Solved] How to extract a value from a json string?

@Hope, you’re right, json.loads() works in your example, though I’m not sure how the object_hook option works or if it would even be necessary. This should do what your asking: import urllib, json url=”https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&prop=langlinks&list=&titles=tallinn&lllimit=10″ response = urllib.urlopen(url) data = json.loads(response.read()) print data[‘continue’][‘llcontinue’] output:31577|bat-smg With this you should be able to get the language values you’re … Read more

[Solved] Return nested JSON item that has multiple instances

As the commenter points out you’re treating the list like a dictionary, instead this will select the name fields from the dictionaries in the list: list((item[‘fields’][‘components’][i][‘name’] for i, v in enumerate(item[‘fields’][‘components’]))) Or simply: [d[‘name’] for d in item[‘fields’][‘components’]] You’d then need to apply the above to all the items in the iterable. EDIT: Full solution … Read more