[Solved] Make my script not to refresh the page [closed]

Working fiddle : fiddle You should prevent the action to goto other page. //HTML <a href=”#” title=”Reply” class=”Classhref” onclick=”show_reply(‘<?php echo $row[‘id’]; ?>’)”> Reply</a> //Script $(‘.Classhref’).click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); } 1 solved Make my script not to refresh the page [closed]

[Solved] jQuery add attributes to div [closed]

$( function() { $(‘a’).on(‘click’, function() { $(‘#subs’).prop(‘title’, function() { return “I am a title”; }); }); });​ use prop() instead if attr() is not working! Link to Fiddle 1 solved jQuery add attributes to div [closed]

[Solved] jQuery css height not applying

The only logical reason for this is that jQuery(‘#main-content’) in your first line is not the actual jQuery object representation of the DOM element of your choice. You will have to figure that out yourself as to why things turn out this way. 1 solved jQuery css height not applying

[Solved] Append checked checkboxes to a div

Try this: $(“:checkbox”).on(“click”, function(){ if($(this).is(“:checked”)) { $(this).closest(“td”).siblings(“td”).each(function(){ $(“#seleted-rows”).append($(this).text()); }); } else { $(“#seleted-rows”).html(“”); $(“:checkbox:checked”).closest(“td”).siblings(“td”).each(function(){ $(“#seleted-rows”).append($(this).text()); }); } }) FIDDLE 1 solved Append checked checkboxes to a div

[Solved] Repit function and auto increment

I’m sorry, I’m having trouble understanding your question. Do you just want to constantly rotate through the images you provide? Check out the fiddle below. http://jsfiddle.net/denniswaltermartinez/f8mVj/ function slider(id) { id = id || 0; var n_image = $(‘[class^=”img_”]’).length; if (n_image < id) id -= n_image; setTimeout(function () { $(‘img:not(.img_’+ id +’)’).fadeOut(‘slow’); $(‘.img_’ + id).fadeIn(‘slow’, function … Read more

[Solved] JQuery script not working at all

So the issue here was that I was using the old fashion javascript onchange event with a JQuery script. Apparently the 2 don’t like to play together. As soon as I change it to use a JQuery $(‘#Branch’).on(‘change’, function() { in my document ready script it worked fine. solved JQuery script not working at all

[Solved] Simple jQuery fade in fade out image [closed]

This was the simplest I could get, its a circular gallery, it starts over when it reaches the end. Here is a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/KA4Zq/ var count = 1; setInterval(function() { count = ($(“.slideshow :nth-child(“+count+”)”).fadeOut().next().length == 0) ? 1 : count+1; $(“.slideshow :nth-child(“+count+”)”).fadeIn(); }, 2000); The only thing you should change is the 2000 value (2sec). … Read more

[Solved] bootstrap fixed nav in single page site links issue

What you’re trying to achieve here is impossible without Javascript. You’ve changed the scrollTop but you need to do it after some milliseconds to get it working, e.g: $(“.nav a”).click(function(){ setTimeout(function() { $(window).scrollTop($(window).scrollTop() – 50); }, 10); }); If you don’t want to wait those milliseconds, you can also prevent the default behavior and simulate … Read more

[Solved] Why is .2 not a valid number for jquery.validate.js? [closed]

jsFiddle Demo You could always implement a small observer to fix the case where a number input starts with . like this: $(‘body’).on(‘blur’,’input[data-val-number]’,function(){ if( this.value[0] == “.” ){ this.value = “0” + this.value; $(this).valid(); } }); 2 solved Why is .2 not a valid number for jquery.validate.js? [closed]

[Solved] I want to print only the repeated values once from an associative array

Use filter and map, with a Set to remove the repeated values: var employee=[{“firstName”:”Zahir”,”lastName”:”Alam”,”Age”:25,”Company”:”Switchme”,”Role”:”Developer”,”Department”:”Tech”,”Head”:{“Id”:3,”Name”:”Sourasis Roy”}},{“firstName”:”Amith”,”lastName”:”Manniken”,”Age”:25,”Company”:”Switchme”,”Role”:”Developer”,”Department”:”Tech”,”Head”:{“Id”:3,”Name”:”Sourasis Roy”}},{“firstName”:”Sourasis”,”lastName”:”Roy”,”Age”:28,”Company”:”Switchme”,”Role”:”CTO”},{“firstName”:”Aditya”,”lastName”:”Mishra”,”Age”:29,”Company”:”Switchme”,”Department”:”Tech”,”Role”:”CEO”},{“firstName”:”Priti”,”lastName”:”Lata”,”Age”:24,”Company”:”Switchme”,”Role”:”HR”},{“firstName”:”Sumita”,”lastName”:”Nath”,”Age”:24,”Company”:”Switchme”,”Role”:”HLA Head”,”Department”:”Crm”},{“firstName”:”Tarini”,”lastName”:”Khanna”,”Age”:22,”Company”:”Switchme”,”Role”:”Content Writer”},{“firstName”:”Abhisek”,”lastName”:”Soni”,”Age”:23,”Company”:”Switchme”,”Role”:”HLA”,”Department”:”Crm”,”Head”:{“Id”:5,”Name”:”Sumita Nath”}},{“firstName”:”Ankit”,”lastName”:”Pump”,”Age”:23,”Company”:”Switchme”,”Role”:”HLA”,”Department”:”Crm”,”Head”:{“Id”:5,”Name”:”Sumita Nath”}},{“firstName”:”Pogo”,”lastName”:”Laal”,”Age”:23,”Company”:”Switchme”,”Role”:”Designer”},{“firstName”:”Sabina”,”lastName”:”Sekh”,”Age”:28,”Company”:”Switchme”,”Role”:”HLA Head”,”Department”:”Crm”},{“firstName”:”Sanjay”,”lastName”:”Poudal”,”Age”:24,”Company”:”Switchme”,”Role”:”HLA Head”,”Department”:”Crm”,”Head”:{“Id”:10,”Name”:”Sabina Sekh”}}]; var repeated = […new Set(employee.map(({ Department }) => Department).filter(Boolean))]; $(“div.all”).text(repeated.join(“, “)); <script src=”https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.js”></script> <h3>2. List out all department name </h3> <div class=”all”></div> 7 solved I want to print only the repeated values … Read more

[Solved] Save position of element with Jquery, PHP and MySQL [closed]

I don’t know what do mean by “saving position of an element” and how can that be useful, but you can try jQuery position() and $.ajax() methods: Get the current coordinates of the first element in the set of matched elements, relative to the offset parent. var t = $(‘a.icon’).position().top; var l = $(‘a.icon’).position().left; $.ajax({ … Read more

[Solved] fixed divs inside container

This is what it seems you want What you want is a sticky menu which requires javascript to find the current position of the page in the viewport and change the CSS or class to make it fixed. This is a bad example because there is no div that is made visible after you scroll … Read more