[Solved] Is HTML.Partial case sensitive? [closed]

No Html.partial() is not case sensitive. I tested it. For example : Let say Your partial view name is “_HeaDing.cshtml” and its place in the same folder. Then you call the partial view in different cases like below: 1. @Html.Partial(“_heading”)-All characters are in smaller case 2. @Html.Partial(“_HEADING”)- All characters are in Upper case In all … Read more

[Solved] Razor parser isn’t parsing?

The editor syntax parser conflict. @ViewBag.IsTrue is not a correct variable in javascript. But execution is actually correct. If you mind,may be using the code like following: <script> function check() { var Not = false; //Doing something… if (Not) { window[“@ViewBag.IsTrue”] = false; } else{ window[“@ViewBag.IsTrue”] = true; } </script> to make it working well. … Read more

[Solved] For each loop with submitting form

The error message is self explanatory. You have this in your view @model hotel.Models.RoomModel but you pass an instance of System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery<Hotel.BusinessObject.Room> to your view because of this line of code in your controller return View(roomService.GetRoomsByCategory(CategoryId, SelectedDate, NumberNights, NumberPeoples)); You need to pass an instance of RoomModel instead of System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery<Hotel.BusinessObject.Room>. I would suggest changing your controller … Read more

[Solved] jQuery Find Closest Input

Closest will search for the parent elements. Here the input is not the parent element of the image. Its a sibling only. You can use siblings() selector for this purpose. var input = $(image).siblings(“input”); Or you can use, var input = $(image).closest(“.col-md-2”).find(“input”); Get the parent div(since the image and input are under same parent) Then … Read more

[Solved] Why is .2 not a valid number for jquery.validate.js? [closed]

jsFiddle Demo You could always implement a small observer to fix the case where a number input starts with . like this: $(‘body’).on(‘blur’,’input[data-val-number]’,function(){ if( this.value[0] == “.” ){ this.value = “0” + this.value; $(this).valid(); } }); 2 solved Why is .2 not a valid number for jquery.validate.js? [closed]

[Solved] how to pass viewbag data from view to another component template that I call in this view

If I understood correctly you can do this by using the same controller for your second view, like writing ng-controller=”SameController” or creating an angular service or factory and sharing your data between two different controllers that each one serves a specific template/view. 6 solved how to pass viewbag data from view to another component template … Read more