[Solved] how assign value to a variable using anchor tag [duplicate]

No you can not assign values to PHP variable using onClick (JavaScript Function), but it is possible to capture and set URL param through $_GET method. If you are using Codeigniter, you must load CodeIgniter URL Helper Library first. $this->load->helper(‘url’); try below, <?php if(isset($_GET[‘view_set’]) && $_GET[‘view_set’] == ‘list’) { $view_set = “list”; echo “i am … Read more

[Solved] how to create dynamic array and adding dynamic values using jQuery.

You can do it : Create table Jquery: $(“#my_id_container”).html(“<table><thead></thead><tbody></tbody></table>”); Html: <div id=”my_id_container”></div> Add value of this tableau : $(“#my_id_container”).find(‘table tbody’).append(‘<tr>My new ligne</tr>’); solved how to create dynamic array and adding dynamic values using jQuery.

[Solved] Filter JSON value encapsulated inside HTML DOM using Regex

Code: (Demo) function extractColumnData($html,$key){ if(!preg_match(“~\.put\(‘\d+’,\s+(.+?)\);~”,$html,$out)){ return “alert yourself of the preg_match failure”; } if(($array=@json_decode($out[1],true))===null && json_last_error()!==JSON_ERROR_NONE){ return “alert yourself of the json decode failure”; } return array_column(current(array_column(current($array),’options’)),$key,’name’); // this assumes the static structure of your json/array data } $html=<<<HTML <script> HZ.productVariation.Manager.setSpaceId(‘33503761’); HZ.data.Variations.put(‘33503761’, {“availVar”: [{“id”: “c”, “label”: “Color”, “options”: [{“name”: “Chrome”, “avail”: 1, “stock”: 1, “price”: … Read more

[Solved] Want to change Label inside div with ID using jquery

In your case, you should use html(“your text”) $(function(){ $(‘#ma’).find(“label[id=baa]”).html(“1″); }) <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js”></script> <div id=”ma”> <label id=”baa”>foaie</label> </div> 1 solved Want to change Label inside div with ID using jquery

[Solved] Google Autosuggest Address change from Javascript to Jquery

The simplest way to do this: var input = document.getElementById(‘pac-input’); var output = document.getElementById(‘pac-output’); in jQuery is like this: var input = $(“#pac-input”); var output = $(“#pac-output”); Or, if you prefer the verbose form: var input = jQuery(“#pac-input”); var output = jQuery(“#pac-output”); And if you don’t know how to implement jQuery: <script src=”https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.js”></script> <script> //Your … Read more

[Solved] Limit sum value after 5 clicks [closed]

Here is one way to do it. let sum = 0; let clicks = 0; $sum = $(“.sum”); $clicks = $(“#clicks”); $(“.combat”).on(“click”, function(){ if(clicks >= 5) return; clicks += 1; $clicks.text(`clicks:${clicks}`); const $this = $(this); const val = parseInt($this.text()); if(sum + val <= 100){ sum += val; $sum.text(`sum:${sum}`); } }); <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js”></script> <div class=”container”> <table> … Read more

[Solved] Search textbox using checkbox in Javascript

You can use something like this: $(‘:checkbox’).on(‘change’, function() { if ($(this).is(‘:checked’)) { $(“.content”).addClass(“highlight”); } else { $(“.content”).removeClass(“highlight”); } }); And in the CSS you need to have: .highlight {background: #99f;} Snippet $(function () { text = “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Incidunt repellat sint eligendi adipisci consequuntur perspiciatis voluptate sunt id, unde … Read more

[Solved] Uncaught TypeError: $(…) is not a function in laravel 5.6

You missed jquery.rateyo.min.js see below its working fine when we add jquery.rateyo.min.js in to our code:- $(document).ready(function(){ $(‘#rateYo’).rateYo({ starWidth: “40px” }); }); <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js”></script> <script src=”https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rateYo/2.3.2/jquery.rateyo.min.js”></script> <div id=”rateYo”></div> 2 solved Uncaught TypeError: $(…) is not a function in laravel 5.6

[Solved] Javascript: Create new arrays from a url of object of arrays

You can simply get the data by key: data.performance.fundBtcArr ,data.performance.fundUsdArr,data.performance.btcUsdArr var data={“performance”: {“datesArr”: [“2018-04-30”, “2018-05-07”, “2018-05-14”, “2018-05-21”, “2018-05-28”, “2018-06-04”, “2018-06-11”, “2018-06-18”, “2018-06-25”, “2018-07-02”, “2018-07-09”], “fundBtcArr”: [1, 0.956157566, 0.988963214, 0.992333066, 1.118842298, 1.064376568, 1.109733638, 1.082080679, 1.142624866, 1.1107828743809005, 1.0626307952408292], “fundUsdArr”: [1, 0.974710531, 0.944055086, 0.903073518, 0.869041365, 0.870284702, 0.815468401, 0.789070479, 0.777083258, 0.8027552300742684, 0.7766297878480255], “btcUsdArr”: [1, 1.019403669, 0.954590699, 0.910050818, 0.77673267, 0.81764737, … Read more

[Solved] Select a checkbox by comparing two arrays [closed]

Try this out:- http://jsfiddle.net/adiioo7/zhEB2/9/ First of all it should be $(‘.divPrintDetailed table’) instead of $(#divPrintDetailed table’) and for iterating in the idArray first parameter is index and second is the element. JS:- function CheckboxSelect() { var idArray = []; var idContainerArray = []; idContainerArray[0] = “tbl-10-486011”; idContainerArray[1] = “tbl-10-486013”; idContainerArray[2] = “tbl-10-486016”; $(‘.divPrintDetailed table’).each(function (i, … Read more

[Solved] How Do I Make “Super Awesome Vertical Timeline” use a JSON data source? [closed]

By reading through the README page that you linked to, it’s obvious that this widget uses Tabletop.js to load data. If you read the Tabletop.js page README, you find that all it does is convert a Google spreadsheet into JSON data. This means that Timeline already works with JSON data: (From the github page) function … Read more