[Solved] How do I refresh my webpage with Ajax so that I don’t see it loading [closed]

unless i hadnt understand your question (if this is the case, please, be more explicit), what you want is how to make a simple ajax request. I use jquery (i see you tagged this question with jquery). It has a very handy function called $.ajax() it receives a dictionary like this:

        type: 'POST', // could be 'GET' if you prefer
        url: '/url/of/your/control/script/',
        data: { key1 : val1, key2 : val2 ...}, //dictionary with the data you are sending (if any)
        dataType: 'text', //depends on what you are sending to the server
        success: function(data) {
            // function that is going to be executed if your request is succesfull
        beforeSend: function(){
            // executed before sending the request
        error: function() {
           // executed if the request return an error
        // some other optional fields you can consult in any ajax-jquery tutorial

so, what you have to do is in your success function manipulate your html to refresh just what you want to be refreshed, using the content of data wich should be a dictionary as well…

note that the value for url: is the url of a script, in whatever language you are using, that is going to receive and process the request made by ajax, and return the answer data as a json dictionary or as xml.

also note that this is the syntax of the jquery ajax function… plain javascript may be a little different.

however, i suggest you to read as many tutorials as you can… this is just a pretty plain introduction.

good luck, hope you can use it!

solved How do I refresh my webpage with Ajax so that I don’t see it loading [closed]