[Solved] Sort row in array as easily as possible (Javascript)

You can use this function: function sortCol(desc) { const tbl = document.querySelector(“table>tbody”); const rows = Array.from(tbl.rows).slice(1).sort((a, b) => a.querySelector(“img”).src.localeCompare(b.querySelector(“img”).src) ); if (desc) rows.reverse(); rows.forEach(row => tbl.appendChild(row)); } Call it with argument true when you want to have a descending sort order. If you have more than one table on your page, you need to qualify … Read more

[Solved] Find the string in array which doesn’t contain the character in JavaScript

Here is you your example code let wordarray=[“defeat”,”dead”,”eaten”,”defend”,”ante”,”something”]; word =”defantmsi”; posarray=”entfdenis”; function findMissingCharacters(str1,str2){ let result = [] //array which will be returned for(let letter of str1){ //check if str2 doesnot contain letter of str1 if(!str2.includes(letter)) result.push(letter); } return result; } let missing = findMissingCharacters(word,posarray); //filtering the wordarray let strings = wordarray.filter(word =>{ //this boolean will … Read more

[Solved] Fullscreen video trigger

I checked out the Airbnb homepage and I saw the video and the effect you are talking about. What you want is a “video” version of the lightbox. It’s actually a pretty easy effect to achieve. What you need is: A button. A div to be the lightbox, which appears after the onclick event of … Read more

[Solved] How to create more form fields by using javascript and then passing values to PHP

maybe something like this: var totalFields = <?=$total_fields?>; var currentFields = 0; var addMode = document.getElementById(‘addMore’); var form = docuement.getElementsByTagName(‘form’)[0]; addMore.onclick = function() { if (currentFields >= totalFields) { return false; } var newField = document.createElement(‘input’); newField.setAttribute(‘type’, ‘file’); newField.setAttribute(‘name’, ‘file’+currentFields); form.appendChild(newField); currentFields++ } and then <? foreach ($_FILES as $file) { // i guess you … Read more

[Solved] HTML textbox which takes multiple values by autofill like Facebook, Google+ etc [closed]

Using JQuery UI Autocomplete : Try this code Script $(function() { var availableTags = [ “ActionScript”, “AppleScript”, “Asp”, “BASIC”, “C”, “C++”, “Clojure”, “COBOL”, “ColdFusion”, “Erlang”, “Fortran”, “Groovy”, “Haskell”, “Java”, “JavaScript”, “Lisp”, “Perl”, “PHP”, “Python”, “Ruby”, “Scala”, “Scheme” ]; function split( val ) { return val.split( /,\s*/ ); } function extractLast( term ) { return split( … Read more

[Solved] Can I save innerHTML of an element to HTML5 Local storage [closed]

Yes, you can: if (localStorage) { // Browser supports it localStorage.someKeyName = document.getElementById(“MyList”).innerHTML; } Details in the spec. There are also a large number of tutorials out there. If you only need it for the duration of a current visit and not between visits, use sessionStorage instead of localStorage above. Note that there are limits … Read more

[Solved] How to push new object in an array?

The problem is you assign an empty array every time you call the function radioButtonVal = (e) => { this.radioid = e.target.name; this.radiovalue = e.target.value; this.radioButtonValTitles = []; //right here you initiate an empty array this.radioButtonValFind = this.radioButtonValTitles.find(x => x.id === this.radioid); if(this.radioButtonValFind){ this.radioButtonValFind.id = this.radioid; this.radioButtonValFind.value = this.radiovalue; } else { this.radioButtonValTitles.push({id: this.radioid, value: … Read more

[Solved] How to do array from the string ? [closed]

var urlToSplit = “https://stackoverflow.com/#/schedulePage/some/another” var onlyAfterHash = urlToSplit.split(“/#/”)[1]; var result = onlyAfterHash.split(“https://stackoverflow.com/”); console.log(result); 8 solved How to do array from the string ? [closed]

[Solved] Regular expression with specific characters in javascript [closed]

Your requirements are perhaps not totally complete, but if I assume that you only want six digit characters at the end, something like the regex /H\d{3}-\d{4}-\d{6}/ would work. You can see it working here or in the snippet below: const text=”nonsense nonsense lorem ipsum H005-2007-652764 and then more nonsense”; const regex = /H\d{3}-\d{4}-\d{6}/; console.log(text.match(regex)); solved … Read more