[Solved] Use Jquery to show an element by its ID [duplicate]
You have to put # in front of the id. $(“#am0”).show(); solved Use Jquery to show an element by its ID [duplicate]
You have to put # in front of the id. $(“#am0”).show(); solved Use Jquery to show an element by its ID [duplicate]
You can use this function: function sortCol(desc) { const tbl = document.querySelector(“table>tbody”); const rows = Array.from(tbl.rows).slice(1).sort((a, b) => a.querySelector(“img”).src.localeCompare(b.querySelector(“img”).src) ); if (desc) rows.reverse(); rows.forEach(row => tbl.appendChild(row)); } Call it with argument true when you want to have a descending sort order. If you have more than one table on your page, you need to qualify … Read more
Here is you your example code let wordarray=[“defeat”,”dead”,”eaten”,”defend”,”ante”,”something”]; word =”defantmsi”; posarray=”entfdenis”; function findMissingCharacters(str1,str2){ let result = [] //array which will be returned for(let letter of str1){ //check if str2 doesnot contain letter of str1 if(!str2.includes(letter)) result.push(letter); } return result; } let missing = findMissingCharacters(word,posarray); //filtering the wordarray let strings = wordarray.filter(word =>{ //this boolean will … Read more
I checked out the Airbnb homepage and I saw the video and the effect you are talking about. What you want is a “video” version of the lightbox. It’s actually a pretty easy effect to achieve. What you need is: A button. A div to be the lightbox, which appears after the onclick event of … Read more
maybe something like this: var totalFields = <?=$total_fields?>; var currentFields = 0; var addMode = document.getElementById(‘addMore’); var form = docuement.getElementsByTagName(‘form’)[0]; addMore.onclick = function() { if (currentFields >= totalFields) { return false; } var newField = document.createElement(‘input’); newField.setAttribute(‘type’, ‘file’); newField.setAttribute(‘name’, ‘file’+currentFields); form.appendChild(newField); currentFields++ } and then <? foreach ($_FILES as $file) { // i guess you … Read more
Look up the file you will see function(n) You can take the rest from there. Pretty print feature in your debugger will help. But the files from been compressed so have fun figuring out what variables actually mean. 1 solved Unknown variable in JavaScript function
Using JQuery UI Autocomplete : Try this code Script $(function() { var availableTags = [ “ActionScript”, “AppleScript”, “Asp”, “BASIC”, “C”, “C++”, “Clojure”, “COBOL”, “ColdFusion”, “Erlang”, “Fortran”, “Groovy”, “Haskell”, “Java”, “JavaScript”, “Lisp”, “Perl”, “PHP”, “Python”, “Ruby”, “Scala”, “Scheme” ]; function split( val ) { return val.split( /,\s*/ ); } function extractLast( term ) { return split( … Read more
You have a syntax error in your code my_input.type=”text; should be my_input.type=”text”; solved Javascript: Created input field doesn’t show
Maybe one of the filters on this site is what you need: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/canvas/imagefilters/ 3 solved Dynamic light in html5 canvas [closed]
Yes, you can: if (localStorage) { // Browser supports it localStorage.someKeyName = document.getElementById(“MyList”).innerHTML; } Details in the spec. There are also a large number of tutorials out there. If you only need it for the duration of a current visit and not between visits, use sessionStorage instead of localStorage above. Note that there are limits … Read more
I guess you want to stop the execution of the setInterval, for that you could return the setInterval’s result from the function and pass it to a clearInterval to avoid it’s execution. For this, you might also have to add a check to see if the function has been started or not But for now, … Read more
The problem is you assign an empty array every time you call the function radioButtonVal = (e) => { this.radioid = e.target.name; this.radiovalue = e.target.value; this.radioButtonValTitles = []; //right here you initiate an empty array this.radioButtonValFind = this.radioButtonValTitles.find(x => x.id === this.radioid); if(this.radioButtonValFind){ this.radioButtonValFind.id = this.radioid; this.radioButtonValFind.value = this.radiovalue; } else { this.radioButtonValTitles.push({id: this.radioid, value: … Read more
var urlToSplit = “https://stackoverflow.com/#/schedulePage/some/another” var onlyAfterHash = urlToSplit.split(“/#/”)[1]; var result = onlyAfterHash.split(“https://stackoverflow.com/”); console.log(result); 8 solved How to do array from the string ? [closed]
Your requirements are perhaps not totally complete, but if I assume that you only want six digit characters at the end, something like the regex /H\d{3}-\d{4}-\d{6}/ would work. You can see it working here or in the snippet below: const text=”nonsense nonsense lorem ipsum H005-2007-652764 and then more nonsense”; const regex = /H\d{3}-\d{4}-\d{6}/; console.log(text.match(regex)); solved … Read more
You can do it like this: http://jsfiddle.net/wdryt9zv/175/ Where the top square is the “main” square. Then just replace the squares with the img you want. solved Is there any way to interchange images with clicked image?