[Solved] Applying static keyword to a class in java [duplicate]

Top-level classes cannot be static, because the static keyword represents a relation between a class/member/method and the enclosing class. As the top-level classes don’t have an enclosing class, then the static keyword doesn’t makes sense in this case. solved Applying static keyword to a class in java [duplicate]

[Solved] How to insert variable as a string into MySQL in Java

In general you can create strings with placeholders using: String result = String.format(“%s,%s”, v1, v2); If you are using JDBC, you can use a PreparedStatement, for example: PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(“UPDATE table1 SET column1 = ? WHERE column2 = ?”); int i = 1; statement.setInt(i++, v1); statement.setInt(i++, v2); statement.executeUpdate(); For creating JDBC queries the PreparedStatement … Read more

[Solved] what is this image gallery called in android [closed]

Its called Carousel See this: carousel layout android If you want 3 D Carousel, you can see this post You would need to create a custom class for your images, which extends ImageView. EXAMPLE: public class CarouselImageView extends ImageView implements Comparable<carouselimageview> { private int index; private float currentAngle; private float x; private float y; private … Read more

[Solved] Searching in yahoo using java [closed]

The service has been shut down since April 2011. You can use Yahoo! Search BOSS instead, but you’ve to pay for it. You may consider switching to Google Custom Search which is free up to 100 queries per day, afaik. solved Searching in yahoo using java [closed]

[Solved] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “2019-11-27”

LocalDate and ThreeTenABP String dateString = “2019-11-27”; LocalDate date = LocalDate.parse(dateString); int epochDay = (int) date.toEpochDay(); System.out.println(epochDay); This snippet outputs: 18227 The documentation explains: The Epoch Day count is a simple incrementing count of days where day 0 is 1970-01-01 (ISO). So my suggestion is that this number is fine for feeding into your BarEntry … Read more