[Solved] value

Search a lot and find a way $user=$_REQUEST[‘user’]; Php change to $user=$_REQUEST[‘username’]; Will work Perfectly.. Thanks to Yazen https://stackoverflow.com/users/3604083/yazan solved value

[Solved] Data sharing between java web application and Mainframes

Create web services in your java application that expose the data the Mainframe wants from the Oracle database. It will then be up to the Mainframe development group to choose the language and framework that best fits their environment to call the web services. Since Mainframe systems are heavily customized you need to discuss requirements … Read more

[Solved] Method error – missing return statement in Java

public boolean insertNode returns a boolean. If you want to do something in a function without returning anything, just replace public void insertNode Return value is SUPER important in all programming languages. Get used to always put the correct return value of a function (If you precised it on the function’s prototype). In your case, … Read more

[Solved] Project: Create a java webapp in Vaadin (to-do-list)

To improve my programming skills If you want to build web apps using pure Java on the server-side, Vaadin fits the bill. You describe the layout and widgets you want to appear in the user interface using Java code. Then, at runtime, Vaadin automatically generates the necessary HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM, AJAX, WebSocket, and Push … Read more

[Solved] Write a class for a simple credit card account

The description you have given is basically check-list of functionality that needs to be implemented. My suggestion is to break each task down into smaller and smaller bits and that you can work your way through and check of as you do them. This will give you a nice roadmap, and also give you good … Read more