[Solved] Unexpected behavior of a switch statement in a for loop [closed]
condition should be incrementing by 10: for (int x = 10; x <= 20; x=x+10) solved Unexpected behavior of a switch statement in a for loop [closed]
condition should be incrementing by 10: for (int x = 10; x <= 20; x=x+10) solved Unexpected behavior of a switch statement in a for loop [closed]
try this: public String getTestGauge(){ return String.valueOf(<yourdouble>); } –> this is prettier return (new Double(<yourdouble>).toString()); solved Converting double to string with a return
Search a lot and find a way $user=$_REQUEST[‘user’]; Php change to $user=$_REQUEST[‘username’]; Will work Perfectly.. Thanks to Yazen https://stackoverflow.com/users/3604083/yazan solved value
This has nothing to do with Java. In the first example you call lastNode once and store the result in p. In your second example, you call lastNode twice, but after the first call, you add a new last node to your list, so the return value is different the second time! 0 solved Why … Read more
Create web services in your java application that expose the data the Mainframe wants from the Oracle database. It will then be up to the Mainframe development group to choose the language and framework that best fits their environment to call the web services. Since Mainframe systems are heavily customized you need to discuss requirements … Read more
public boolean insertNode returns a boolean. If you want to do something in a function without returning anything, just replace public void insertNode Return value is SUPER important in all programming languages. Get used to always put the correct return value of a function (If you precised it on the function’s prototype). In your case, … Read more
Seems like a basic setter… It should go like public void setCapacity(int newCapacity) { this.capacity = newCapacity; } solved java method which can be changed
To improve my programming skills If you want to build web apps using pure Java on the server-side, Vaadin fits the bill. You describe the layout and widgets you want to appear in the user interface using Java code. Then, at runtime, Vaadin automatically generates the necessary HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM, AJAX, WebSocket, and Push … Read more
If you want to know just if an object is equal to another you have to implemet the equals method (which doesn’t requiere you to declare any interface, every class can do it) @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { CompararListas other = (CompararListas) o; return … } with this method you can return what makes … Read more
In java (and in any other programming language able to create files) you can create any kind of file. There are libraries to create and manage at least: pdf – for example pdfbox xls xlsx – Apache poi doc docx – Apache poi txt csv json – Faster jackson xml yaml zip jpg gif tif … Read more
I can already get the integers but I am having trouble with the operators since I don’t know what category they fall in They belongs to none of these. They are part of programming language and not data type. Data types and operators work along to perform some action like int a, b; int c … Read more
This program uses a logic in which we rotate an array by reversing array in parts. First we will reverse array upto index location and then reverse remaining array ( index+1 to last element of array). After completing above two steps we call again reverse function but this time on whole of the array that … Read more
DLLNode is a user defined class just like your Doublylinkedlist class. A possible example of what that DLLNode class might look like: public class DLLNode { int data; DLLNode next; DLLNode prev; public DLLNode(int data) { this.data = data; this.next = null; this.prev = null; } } 7 solved Can’t understand Java doubly linked list … Read more
Even if your genre field was public, when you try to assign it in your current code, you would end up with a NullPointerException anyway, because just creating an array of objects does not actually create objects inside it. This is where your constructor comes in. This function: public Painting (String aGenre) { genre = … Read more
The description you have given is basically check-list of functionality that needs to be implemented. My suggestion is to break each task down into smaller and smaller bits and that you can work your way through and check of as you do them. This will give you a nice roadmap, and also give you good … Read more