[Solved] How can I auto import html from web site? [closed]

It looks like you need http://www.seleniumhq.org/ – it can download source of the page and you can programmatically click on links and perform other interactions with the page Also you can download web pages with Apache HTTP Client library – http://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-ga/index.html 0 solved How can I auto import html from web site? [closed]

[Solved] Using Integer.parseInt crashes my program

Text is not initialized , So it gives a NumberFormatException. Here Integer.parseInt() method will give the NumberFormatException if the passed string does not contain a parsable integer. Use String Text = “0” to solve the problem 2 solved Using Integer.parseInt crashes my program

[Solved] Simple inheritance but confusing

The thing here is that your add method shadows the i attribute of the class with the i variable declared as parameter. Thus, when using i inside add method, you’re using the i parameter, not the i attribute. To note the difference, change the add method to: void add(int i) { System.out.println(5+i); System.out.println(5+this.i); //this will … Read more

[Solved] My app keeps crashing when i open it

you are passing this in method like setOnItemSelectedListener(this) means you are passing reference of listener as class but you don’t implemented listener, impalement OnItemSelectedListener like following and try, public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener 3 solved My app keeps crashing when i open it

[Solved] different new String and new Integer in java?

new String is object and new Integer not object Because you immediately assigned the Integers to a primitive type, not an object type. If you had written Integer d=new Integer(5); Integer d2=new Integer(5); then d != d2 as expected, not least because the results of any two distinct invocations of new will be != to … Read more

[Solved] Pyramid of asterisk using while loop in java

Think of your pyramid as drawn on a coordinate system. You need to make sure that both the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate move in the whole program. Scanner pal = new Scanner (System.in); System.out.println(“Enter the number of rows you want”); int n = pal.nextInt(); int rows = 0; while (rows < n) { int column … Read more

[Solved] How to override `toString()` properly to get rid of hash code

You are calling toString() on ComputableLiveData, you have to call toString() on myEntities which will in turn call toString() on the individual elements which are MyEntity. myViewModel.getAllData().observe( this, new Observer<List<MyEntity>>() { @Override public void onChanged(@Nullable List<MyEntity> myEntities) { Log.d(“TAG: “, “DATA CHANGED! ” + myEntities.toString()); } }); 1 solved How to override `toString()` properly to … Read more

[Solved] Nullpointer exception while using Weka classifier

Since you didn’t provide all relevant information, I’ll take a shot in the dark: I’m assuming that you’re using Weka version 3.7.5 and I found the following source code for Logistic.java online public double [] distributionForInstance(Instance instance) throws Exception { // line 710 m_ReplaceMissingValues.input(instance); instance = m_ReplaceMissingValues.output(); … } Assuming you didn’t pass null for … Read more

[Solved] Clustering of sentences [closed]

Please check out this site: http://sujitpal.blogspot.com/2008/10/ir-math-in-java-experiments-in.html#ga This would help you out with different algos and you can come up with the best as per your requirements. solved Clustering of sentences [closed]

[Solved] How to determine equality of gene objects by gene name in Java

You could do something like this add a getter method for name in your Gene class public String getName() { return name; } then in another class use logic similar to this ArrayList<Gene> matchingGenes = new ArrayList<>(); for (Gene gene1 : genelist1) { for (Gene gene2 : genelist2) { if gene1.getName().equals(gene2.getName) { matchingGenes.add(gene1); matchingGenes.add(gene2); } … Read more

[Solved] Convert Ascii “1” to hex thats non printable and cannot be seen on network traffic [closed]

Either use real encryption and decryption between your source and destination (implementation will vary depending on how you are sending the data) or just obfuscate a bit by adding a known value to the hex that is ‘only’ known by the source and destination (probably best to modulo this by 127) – essentially this is … Read more