[Solved] difference between replaceFirst() and trim().replaceFirst() [duplicate]

String.trim() method remove trailing and leading white spaces from the string. but since the string you are testing doesn’t have any trailing or leading white spaces, the below two will certainly return the same string. str.replaceFirst(“(.*)<?xml”,”<?xml”); str.trim().replaceFirst(“(.*)<?xml”,”<?xml”) However, your regular expression only removes leading white spaces, so if the testing string has trailing white spaces … Read more

[Solved] No curly braces if else statements?

It will print out 5. It doesn’t even approach to the second if-else, because doesn’t pass the first condition x!=5 and the else statement is missing and it goes to the last line where you print the variable out. It’s the same as: int x=5, y=5, z=5; if (x!=5) { if (y<=7) { z=z+4; } … Read more

[Solved] Extract the particular portion from a String

Here’s one way: public static void main(String[] args) { String s = “abc,xyz,lmn,ijk”; char[] ch = s.toCharArray(); int counter = 0; int place = 2; for (int i = 0; i < ch.length-2; i++) { if(ch[i] == ‘,’) { counter++; } if(counter == place && ch[i] != ‘,’) { System.out.print(ch[i]); } } } It prints … Read more

[Solved] Java doesn’t understand the logic of this code

map is a two-dimensional array. map.length specifies the length of the first dimension defined by row. map[0].length in turn specifies the length of the first array of the second dimension. 3 solved Java doesn’t understand the logic of this code

[Solved] How do i format a ArrayList for printing?

this is almost what you need 🙂 using tabs List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(ss)){; @Override public String toString(){ Iterator<String> it = iterator(); if (! it.hasNext()) return “”; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; for (;;) { i++; String e = it.next(); sb.append(e); if (! it.hasNext()) return sb.toString(); sb.append(‘\t’); if (i%4==0){ sb.append(“\n”); } … Read more

[Solved] How to reset an integer if the user not opening the app in the morning? ANDROID [closed]

You can use the time libraries, depending on your minimum API level, to get the times. You can look closer into the documentation to get a better idea of how to use it. Both the code snippets I have below are very similar. http://developer.android.com/reference/android/text/format/Time.html I would try using these two functions (copied and pasted from … Read more

[Solved] Java bukkit config file for player homes not allowing teleportation

You might want to check to see if “homesConfig.contains(“Homes.” + user.getName() + )” before you try to use it. I think getting something that the config file doesn’t contain will just return null. Here’s how you could check it if (!homesConfig.contains(“Homes.” + user.getName() + “.world”) || <just copy the first condition but for the different … Read more

[Solved] logical OR in Java not working?

Before you do anything check for an empty List or a 0 divisor. if(divisor==0||array1.isEmpty()){ return false; } Then you can check the list. for(Integer i: array1){ if(i%divisor!=0){ return false; } } Finally. return true; solved logical OR in Java not working?