[Solved] How can I Call a Method from the Driver Class? [closed]

Your contructor has to be like this as it need to initialize variables String firstName, String lastName,double balance you have declared. public BankAccount(String firstName, String lastName,double openingBalance){ this.firstName=firstName; this.lastName=lastName; balance=openingBalance; } than public static void main (String[] args){ BankAccount acc1 = new BankAccount (“Tiger”,”Woods”, 200); System.out.println(acc1.getFirstName()); } 3 solved How can I Call a Method … Read more

[Solved] How to get date and time in below format in java? [closed]

Your answer should look something like this: String dateTimePattern = “dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm a”; DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(dateTimePattern ); LocalDateTime yourDay= LocalDateTime.of(2020, 4, 6, 17, 00); System.out.println(formatter.format(ZonedDateTime.of(yourDay, ZoneId.of(“UTC-5”)))); Please look this up for more info on the available formats. 7 solved How to get date and time in below format in java? [closed]

[Solved] Error: ‘ModalBottomSheetRoute’ is imported from both ‘package:flutter/src/material/bottom_sheet.dart’ and ‘package:modal_bottom_sheet/src/bottom_sh [closed]

Error: ‘ModalBottomSheetRoute’ is imported from both ‘package:flutter/src/material/bottom_sheet.dart’ and ‘package:modal_bottom_sheet/src/bottom_sh [closed] solved Error: ‘ModalBottomSheetRoute’ is imported from both ‘package:flutter/src/material/bottom_sheet.dart’ and ‘package:modal_bottom_sheet/src/bottom_sh [closed]

[Solved] How do I create a ListView like the YouTube App? [closed]

The most important thing to apply this kind of design is properly implement adapter, which will represent every piece of data (one video in your situation). More or less in for situation it will look like: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android=”http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android” android:layout_width=”match_parent” android:layout_height=”wrap_content”> //you main picture <ImageView android:layout_width=”fill_parent” android:layout_height=”fill_parent”> //layout to place other info like number of likes, … Read more

[Solved] How to count the number of characters in a line in a csv file

I suggest you to read the javadoc of String.split. I think that you misunderstood the concept when you did this: String[] f=line.split(“,”); a[count]=Integer.parseInt(f[2]); //–> java.lang.NumberFormatException here! Avoid using ‘magic’ numbers in your code like int[] a = new int[24];. Why 24? Well, here comes a version that do what you want to do. Maybe it … Read more

[Solved] how to get value from string in form of key value pair [closed]

Below is the solution for your problem: import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; class Rextester { public static void main(String args[]) { String str = new String(“kyc_CWaccountOperatorName|DANIYAL,kyc_cnic_ind|9110129505705,kyc_fatherName|Abujan,kyc_motherMaidenName|MOTHER,kyc_CWmobileNumber|03312551746,kyc_CWdateOfBirth|20/02/1993,kyc_cnicDateOfExpiry|2027-02-20,kyc_CWplaceOfBirth|KHI,kyc_mailAddHouseFlat No|Dha,kyc_city|Abbottabad”); String[] ar = str.replace(“|”,”=”).split(“,”,0); for(String s : ar) System.out.println(s); } } You can check output on the below link: https://ideone.com/kzBYfl 1 solved how to get value from string in … Read more

[Solved] how list methods work? [duplicate]

List<Book> list Here list is a reference to an object, not an object itself. When you call interface methods on this reference, you are actually calling the overridden methods of some concrete class that this reference points to. To illustrate List<Book> list = new List<Book>(); //Illegal List<Book> list = new ArrayList<Book>(); //legal ArrayList is a … Read more

[Solved] How to write Fibonacci in one line? [closed]

I expect you are looking for the ternary operator, which lets you compress conditional statements down into a single expression like so: // returns the nth number in the fibonacci sequence public static int fib(int n) { return (n < 2) ? n : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); } P.S. This should work for both standard … Read more

[Solved] Make a print method with for loop Java

I have solved this exercise, but I think it is not a perfect solution. Does anybody have another way to solve this task? public static void main(String[] args) { printMatrix(5); } public static void printMatrix (int n) { int d = n +(n-1); int k = n*2; int g = -1; for (int i = … Read more