[Solved] C++ sum char and integer

Here s will be “3xzy1” as s[2]=’x’+2; makes s[2] equal to ‘z’, where ‘z’ is a character, not a string. ‘x’-1==’w’; ‘x’+1==’y’; ‘x’+2==’z’ solved C++ sum char and integer

[Solved] Guide to changing int main() [duplicate]

You create new functions and call them from main: void foo() {} void goo() {} int main() { foo(); goo(); } There’s nothing technically wrong with having main1 or main2 methods, but there’s only one entry point of a valid C++ program, and that’s main. solved Guide to changing int main() [duplicate]

[Solved] How To get and convert last character of string into Int in Swift 3?

Simply convert that last character to String and then String to Int. if let last = str.characters.last, let value = Int(String(last)) { print(value) } Edit: If you are having a number like cart10,cart11,…cart100… then to get the number after cart try this way. let str = “cart15” let cartNumber = str.characters.flatMap({Int(String($0))}).reduce(0, {10 * $0 + … Read more

[Solved] Parsing String and Int in java

split your string on space to get Logging and v0.12.4 remove (substring) v from v0.12.4 split 0.12.4 on dot (use split(“\\.”) since dot is special in regex) you can also parse each “0” “12” “4” to integer (Integer.parseInt can be helpful). 4 solved Parsing String and Int in java

[Solved] C# convert a number into words

Change your method to private string NumbersToWords(int number) { string word = “”; if (number == 8) { word = “Eight”; } return word; } Previously you did not return a value, indicated by void. 3 solved C# convert a number into words

[Solved] Four 1byte char to One 4byte int? [closed]

Try following code: #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; #define CHAR_ARRAY_SIZE 8 int main() { char charArray[CHAR_ARRAY_SIZE] = {‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’}; int intArray[2]; for(int i = 0; i < CHAR_ARRAY_SIZE/4; i++) { char ch1 = (charArray[4*i+0] – ‘0’); char ch2 = (charArray[4*i+1] – ‘0’); char ch3 = (charArray[4*i+2] – ‘0’); char … Read more

[Solved] how to convert a string of number with trailing x’s into a list of unsigned numbers

Create two variables: std::string maxVal = fn; std::replace(maxVal, ‘X’, ‘9’); std::string minVal = fn; std::replace(minVal, ‘X’, ‘0’); Now you can loop with for (auto i = std::stoi(minVal), j = std::stoi(maxVal); i <= j; ++i) { codes.push_back(i); } The whole Code #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <list> std::list<unsigned> stringToCode(std::string fn) { std::string maxVal = fn; std::replace(std::begin(maxVal), … Read more

[Solved] Do chars have intrinsic int values in Java?

a is of type char and chars can be implicitly converted to int. a is represented by 97 as this is the codepoint of small latin letter a. System.out.println(‘a’); // this will print out “a” // If we cast it explicitly: System.out.println((int)’a’); // this will print out “97” // Here the cast is implicit: System.out.println(‘a’ … Read more

[Solved] Getting input from user till he enters a number

Done! Credit : @AlgirdasPreidžius #include <iostream> using namespace std; int fun() { string c; while(cin>>c) { if(isdigit(c[0])) return stoi(c); } } int main() { int a = fun(); cout<<a<<” “; return 0; } 3 solved Getting input from user till he enters a number

[Solved] Java Class wont notice numbers over 9 [closed]

You have defined bott_num as int bott_num = 9; So it will start with 9 but your print: System.out.println(“there’ll be ” + (bott_num – 1) + ” green bottles, hanging on the wall”); prints bott_num – 1 which in your case would be 8. So i would sugges you start with 11 so you will … Read more

[Solved] Java convert string to int

Assuming you have a string of digits (e.g. “123”), you can use toCharArray() instead: for (char c : pesel.toCharArray()) { temp += 3 * (c – ‘0’); } This avoids Integer.parseInt() altogether. If you want to ensure that each character is a digit, you can use Character.isDigit(). Your error is because str.split(“”) contains a leading … Read more