[Solved] static method returns empty hashmap

Adding my comment as a possible answer, since it might point to the problem. getSQLs() is going through each entry in the jar file, but only returns the result of the last entry. Perhaps the last entry doesn’t contain any sql files? 0 solved static method returns empty hashmap

[Solved] Get single item from List

You should read the documentation of List and Map (respective HashMap) to see how to use them. Since your List contains Map you’ll have to get a Map using the List operations and then get the elements from that Map using the Map operations: HashMap<String, String> firstMap = lst.get(0); String someEntry = firstMap.get(“key”); 0 solved … Read more

[Solved] Get ArrayList entry of a HashMap Entry [closed]

You can simply use the get method. stateIndex.get(nameOfEntry); You set with put and access with get. If you want to get a specific element, just chain the get method for ArrayList. Whatever element = stateIndex.get(nameOfEntry).get(5);// For any type. 1 solved Get ArrayList entry of a HashMap Entry [closed]

[Solved] HashMap of ArrayList as the value initialization

The List<Pack> in your HashMaps are never defined. They are of the interface list but nowhere you identify what kind of List they are. You have to follow a structure as follows: Map<long, List<Pack>> map = new HashMap<>() // java 7 syntax List<Pack> packets = new ArrayList<>(); packets.add(pack); map.put(msg.getAck(), packets); When adding an element to … Read more

[Solved] Java hashmaps go missing after a period of not using them [duplicate]

for (Location l : RunicParadise.explorerLocations.values()) { **[NPE THROWN HERE] if (l.getWorld().getName().equals(loc.getWorld().getName())) {** So the one thing that wasn’t null here was the HashMap: explorerLocations. Otherwise you would have got the NPE on the previous line where you called HashMap.values(). Any of l, l.getWorld(), l.getWorld().getName(), loc, or loc.getWorld() could be null. You’re barking up the wrong … Read more

[Solved] Java splitting map from a nested map [closed]

The question is unclear so I’ll try to answer, but listing my assumptions. If my assumptions are incorrect, then ofcourse the answer is going to be incorrect. I am assuming that the {domains={A={ notation does not mean you have this as text but that you have a map containing a map, containing a map. I … Read more

[Solved] javascript, put labels in hashmap to conver in json format

You can cycle through your object using a for..in loop, then push objects to an array using it’s keys and values: var hash = {“La Coruña”:11,”Pamplona”:2,”León”:9,”Valencia”:4,”Las Palmas de Gran Canaria”:3,”Oviedo”:3,”Salamanca”:2,”Albacete”:3} var arr = []; for (var prop in hash) { arr.push({‘Ciudad’: prop,’Clientes’: hash[prop]}); } console.log(arr); 1 solved javascript, put labels in hashmap to conver in … Read more

[Solved] for each nested for each

You shouldn’t use nested for-each loops here. Try an indexed for on the listMain and store the result of each iteration in a kind of tuple. This tuple could be stored in a Map. As your friend mentioned, you could use a HashMap for this. Something like this should do the trick: ArrayList<Main>listMain = mainDAO.getlAllMain(Connection … Read more

[Solved] Adding an element into a HashSet inside a HashMap Java [closed]

As @AndyTurner said in a comment: fields[1] is a String, not a HashSet<String>. You can build the latter using new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(fields[1])). But there are other issues with this snippet too. It would be better to rewrite like this, pay close attention to every little detail that I changed: private Map<String, Set<String>> userBusiness = new HashMap<>(); … Read more

[Solved] compare HashMap and ArrayList java

You can compare like below Code: List<String> global = new ArrayList<String>; Map<String, ArrayList<String>> newMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); Map<String, ArrayList<String>> map = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); for (String key:map.keySet()) { List<String> arrayList= map.get(key); for (String words:arrayList) { List<String> newList = new ArrayList<String>; for (String globallist:global) { if(words.equals(globallist)){ newList.add(words); } } newMap.put(key,newList); } } 1 solved compare … Read more