[Solved] How can I improve my form? [closed]

you can use a trick maybe — insert a text-field, hide it via CSS (the id) and check it MUST BE EMPTY! all the spambots fill the fields with something, so just give it something like a name “address” or something… if the bot fills it out, you can give a error… other hint is … Read more

[Solved] Cant reach to the next form ‘RoR 3+’

Try changing this new_student_student_previous_datum_path(@student) to new_student_student_previous_datum_path(student_id: @student.id) if it still throws the error, paste me the complete routing error. UPDATE: the error is in the view this url for the form currently is This one is generating the error of the :action : “show” change it for new_student_student_previous_datum_path(@student) <%= bootstrap_form_for(@student_previous_data, :url => new_student_student_previous_datum_path(@student), html: { … Read more

[Solved] Hide / Show Multiple Divs

As per viewing code from View Souce and guessing that you have not added correct class in event handler. thus click event for radio is not getting invoked. Change $(“.payOptions”).click(function () { to $(“.paymentmethod”).click(function () { 2 solved Hide / Show Multiple Divs

[Solved] local variable ‘content_type’ referenced before assignment

You only set content_type when your form is valid: if comment_form.is_valid(): # … content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_id(content_type_id) # … else: print(comment_form.errors) So when comment_form.is_valid() is false, the variable is never set. You have the same issue with object_id_data and content_data. Perhaps you need to re-think what should be returned when the form is not correct? It … Read more

[Solved] Very basic login form in html [closed]

Below is a basic login form code. If this is fine mark it as answer. if(isset($_POST[‘login’]) && $_POST[‘login’] ==’Login’) { $user = $_POST[‘user’]; $pass = $_POST[‘pass’]; if($user==’admin’ && $pass=”abcd”) { // your success code } else { //your error code } } ?> <form action=”” method=”post” accept-charset=”utf-8″> <table> <caption>Login Form</caption> <tr> <td>User</td> <td><input type=”text” name=”user” … Read more

[Solved] Create a link while typing using Jquery [closed]

Although I do not want to make it your habit to take SO as a code for me site but this time here it is for you: var field = document.getElementById(“field”); var link = document.getElementById(“link”); field.onchange = function() { link.href = “http://www.example.com/?q=” + encodeURIComponent(field.value); console.log(link.href); }; Notice I did not code it for you in … Read more

[Solved] Check with Javascript if a textarea value is numeric [closed]

HTML: <textarea id=”text”></textarea>​ JavaScript: var re=/\d/, allowedCodes = [37, 39, 8, 9], // left and right arrows, backspace and tab text = document.getElementById(‘text’); text.onkeydown = function(e) { var code; if(window.event) { // IE8 and earlier code = e.keyCode; } else if(e.which) { // IE9/Firefox/Chrome/Opera/Safari code = e.which; } if(allowedCodes.indexOf(code) > -1) { return true; } … Read more

[Solved] Ajax Jquery doubts [closed]

jQuery code will not work without the library being referenced on your page (usually in the <head> tags). Also, there are some other libraries that build on top of the jQuery library, like Twitter’s excellent bootstrap library, or jQueryUI. In those cases, you need both the jQuery library and the additional library — as shown … Read more

[Solved] Displaying a form in HTML using PHP [closed]

Use like this : echo “<form action=’Stud_controller/updateData’ method=’POST’>”; echo ‘<input type=”hidden” name=”sameId” value=”‘.$id.'”>’; echo ‘Name: <input type=”text” name=”newName” value=”‘.$name.'”> &nbsp;’; echo ‘<input type=”submit” value=”Save”>’; echo “</form>”; 3 solved Displaying a form in HTML using PHP [closed]

[Solved] How to submit form without reloading? [duplicate]

You can do this using jQuery: http://jquery.com/ Its a javascript framework and one of the methods you can use to do this kind of thing is: $(‘#formID’).submit(function(){ var ajaxURL = ‘/ajax/saveAccountSettings.php’; $.ajax({ type: ‘POST’, url: ajaxURL, data: { username: $(‘#accountForm #username’).val() }, success: function(data){ //Do something } }); return false; }); Probably worth reading up … Read more